Chapter 88: Flooding Tactic

It's not that simple to betray allies, and revolutionaries are not fools, so how could they not be on guard against these nobles?

From the very beginning, Kossuth refused the participation of the powerful nobles in the affairs of the provisional government. Shemir and Gorge were both bourgeois nobles and had already completed their transition from nobles to capitalists.

From the point of view of interests, the independent Republic of Hungary is more in line with their interests, so the two sides reached a cooperation and jointly formed a provisional government.

The Hungarian aristocracy has fallen, even those who have transformed into capitalists are no exception. They can lie down and make money, so why continue to work hard?

On the contrary, the revolutionaries headed by Kossuth were mostly descendants of declining nobles. Because they were poor, they became entrepreneurs, and their abilities did not degrade significantly.

In the power struggle of the provisional government, these lazy nobles naturally lost to the entrepreneurs who dared to fight.

Shemir is a smart man, but because he is too smart, he would not dare to do anything to the provisional government if he is not sure.

If it is replaced by revolutionaries, it is estimated that the result will be the opposite. Hundreds of people can stage a coup d'état, as long as the head of the interim government is under control, the overall situation is settled.

"Let's wait and see, we'll find a way to pull some people over, and we'll do it when the time is right!" Shemir thought for a while and said.

Naturally, Gorge would not object. Don't take his lightheartedness for granted. In fact, he was really unsure.

People's hearts are unpredictable. Who knows if any of these people are inclined to the revolutionary party. If the rumors leak, will the revolutionary party will not start to attack first?

"No problem, Sir Shemir, but what are we going to tell the Austrians?" Gorge asked with concern.

Obviously, at this time, they have mixed up with the Austrian government and made the same move as in history - betraying allies.

"It doesn't matter, the Austrians just asked us to wipe out all the leaders of the revolutionary party. All other issues can be discussed." Shemir said confidently.

There are left-wing forces and right-wing forces in Hungary. The left-wing forces, headed by Kossuth, advocate the abolition of the monarchy and the establishment of an independent Hungarian Republic.

The right-wing forces, headed by Shemir and István, advocated a moderate improvement of the social system, and hoped to cooperate closely with the Habsburg dynasty.

There is no doubt that the relationship between the Hungarian right-wing forces and the Austrian government is still good. Even if the Vienna government abolished serfdom and moved their land, wouldn't there still be land redemption money?

Anyway, it's all a matter of price. As long as the money is in place, there will be no problem.

Whether the interests of others can be guaranteed, Shemir does not know, at least it is certain that the interests of those who stand with the Vienna government can be guaranteed.

Of course, if you want to get more benefits, you must show the value of their existence to the Vienna government.

If they do nothing and are only politically close to the Vienna government, then when the Austrian army comes in, it is estimated that there will be no place for them at the war-end conference.


On the other side, the head, Kossuth, was busy discussing the city defense with the Polish General Henryk Dembiński. He didn't know the capitulation faction in the government, and he was ready to exchange their heads for merits.

Henryk Dembiński marked the important positions on the city defense map, and distributed the troops according to the actual situation.

After all this work was completed, Henryk Dembiński greeted Kossuth: "Sir Kossuth, the city defense of Budapest only have this option left, it is unrealistic to keep the enemy out. The next major combat mission would city fighting. In city fighting, the combat effectiveness of the regular army will be greatly weakened. With the help of building bunkers, the National Guard has an advantage in being familiar with the terrain. As long as everyone can be united, we can stand stalemate with the enemy for at least two to three months, and the enemy may even withdraw from Budapest because of heavy losses!"  

Kossuth asked expectantly: "General Henryk, you are a famous European general. What can we do now to make heavy losses, or wipe out the enemy's army?"

If the Hungarian Republic wants to survive, it must defeat the Austrian Empire. Just delaying it for two or three months will still not help the overall situation.

Henryk Dembiński shook his head and said, "It's a pity, Sir Kossuth, that even the rebirth of Napoleon the Great would be impossible! We have to admit that the Hungarian National Guard is still far behind the Austrian army in terms of combat effectiveness. In terms of weaponry and equipment, there is a huge gap between the enemy and us. Even in terms of strength, we are all at a disadvantage. Apart from the fact that we still control Budapest and can defend the city, we do not have any advantage. In this case, it is very unwise to fight the enemy rashly."

Kossuth nodded in disappointment. The generals in the interim government also came to this conclusion. They were even more pessimistic than Henryk Dembiński's view.

The biggest problem is that the Hungarians did not regard the Austrian army as a foreign invasion. Between the emperor and the provisional government, there were more people who favored the emperor than the provisional government.

If there is a referendum as called by the revolutionary party slogan, it is estimated that they will still step down in dismay.

Destruction is always easier than construction. After the establishment of the Hungarian Republic, all it brought to everyone was a piece of cake. Except for some capitalists who made national distress and wealth, ordinary people did not get substantial benefits.

The people's war cannot be launched. In the short term, the republican government just wants to bribe the hearts of the people, and the time is too late. At the same time, they do not have so much money to bribe the hearts of the people.

"General Henryk Dembiński, if you hold on for a long time, you will lose. Now that Budapest's contact with the outside world has been cut off, if we can't break the current situation, I'm afraid it won't last long. A large amount of food is stored in the city of Budapest. In theory, we can persist for a year without any problem, but in fact, we all know that once the enemy decides to make a ruthless attack, there are ways to conquer the city!" questioned General Bem, the Revolutionary Party's military leader.

"You mean flooding? No, it's impossible! Unless the enemy wants to turn the Hungarian plain into a swamp, they won't do it. Judging from the current situation, the enemy has no plans to build a dam upstream. As long as the Vienna government takes into account the influence of public opinion, they will not do this!" said Henryk Dembiński with certainty.

Kossuth's face changed drastically. What seemed impossible to the military was different to the politicians. If they were unable to conquer Budapest after a long time, from the standpoint of the Vienna government, would it be a good idea to make such a move?