"I bought the water there," Alayna pointed at the tuck-shop with her finger.

"And if I go there, I can buy some water?" he asked curiously as he wanted to know more.

"Not just water but some goodies too but the thing is the shop is already closed but will be open tomorrow," she sighed as she answered.

She had temporarily forgotten that she had already closed the shop for the day and she couldn't open it.

Marcus was a bit disappointed when he heard this but also happy as this means that he can come back again tomorrow morning and buy what he wanted.

"Okay then, since I know the place, I will come to tomorrow then," he said dejectedly and looked at Alayna, "I am Marcus, and you?"

"Alayna is my name. since I showed you the place then please come back tomorrow and at the same time, you may seek some shelter elsewhere," Alayna said and turned around to leave.

Marcus wasn't upset because of this, he understood that it wasn't good for single men and women to stay together by themselves. Since he is awake then it was ideal to leave and settle in Draak, the nearby town from this forest.

Marcus shook his head and flew away from the forest and soon he was in town. He found an inn and checked into a room.

While Marcus was busy waiting for the next day, Alayna was sitting outside and enjoying the cool breeze as she played with the money that she had received. As this money wasn't part of the tuck-shop business, she didn't need to share it with the system at all.

This was her money and she was very happy about it. Her greatest haul was the spirit stone that she can use as currency or use to cultivate since she was just starting.

As she was playing with the stone and thinking of when to start cultivating as her body was now healed and her spirit root functioning properly. She wanted to become strong as soon as possible.

[Congratulations host for completing the hidden task; a saving grace. As the host has saved someone in need and cared for him when he was in need and successfully helped him, you have been awarded a one-time lotto draw. Please get ready to claim your reward!]

Alayna felt as if she was dreaming, since when did rewards start falling from the sky?

The roulette appeared right in front of her and she looked at the hidden columns. They should have at least shown her what she can win and what she will be missing if she gets one out of the eight.

But not knowing something can be much better than knowing that you missed something great and picked something worse. She touched the wheel and roll it.

She watched as the wheel kept on turning for a while until it finally stopped and pointed to the blue section of the wheel.

[Congratulations host for successfully claiming your lotto reward. You may now open it!]

Since the system was urging her and not announcing what she got she clicked on the inventory bar and voila a magical thing happened to her once more.

[The host has successfully drawn a high-grade storage ring and it has been bound to the host. The ring cannot be lost when killed or dead.]

This statement reminded her of the games she used to play back in her home world.

'Ummm, I love this reward a lot!' she thought as she looked at the plain ring on her finger.

Alayna however wasn't given a chance to breathe when another ding was heard again.

[As the host has received her first spirit stone, another main mission has been issued: Earn 10 spirit stones in two weeks; REWARD: A cultivation technique.]

This mission was a little bit crazy as even when she was cultivating, it wasn't easy to spare a spirit stone to buy some personal items. The spirit stones were mainly used to cultivate but unless the person was a rich tycoon like Marcus, she won't be seeing any spirit stones.

[Side Mission: Earn 100 silver coins in one week, REWARD: water pill.]

Alayna was loving the rewards a lot, of course, she has to ignore the deadlines on each mission for her to think like that.

After accepting the missions, she went indoors and heat up her leftover food, ate it, and went to bed.

The next day, she took care of business, washed her body, and changed into a pink top and black skirt with some comfortable flat shoes. She looked at herself with admiration and made a mental note, 'it's time to buy more clothes.'

After that, she left for the tuck-shop as the time was nearing. Her wealth was all in her storage ring and she was looking forward to earning more.

Marcus didn't sleep at night but consolidated his cultivation and the next thing he knew it was in the morning. After washing up and changing his clothes, he left for the Dark Forest.

When he arrived, the shop wasn't open yet, so he waited for the shop owner to come and at the same time, he was hoping that he can get to see Alayna as that lady's feistiness just makes him happy. He just loves pissing her off.

Alayna had forgotten that Marcus was coming so she was a bit late and when she arrived, she saw the young man already waiting.

"Oh, you are here already?" she asked as she glanced at him before continuing with her walk.

"Yes, I am here. I can see that you are here too," to be honest Marcus was still curious about how Alayna knows this shop and what her connection is to the shop.

"That's good then, I hope that you buy a lot of things," she flashed him a genuine smile.

Marcus didn't understand what she was trying to say and the meaning behind her words but that was until he saw her opening the shop and opening the window.

"I welcome you to my shop. The shop is currently offering five items and the price list is down below there," her words broke the silence and Marcus finally became jolted awake.