Alayna looked at this alien villa in front of her, she raised her small hands and rubbed her eyes till they were red and tears were falling down her cheeks.

What kind of upgrade card was this?

Her small bungalow house with only two bedrooms suddenly changed into a villa that took her breath away.

"Is this really my house?" 

Alayna felt as if she was dreaming as she stepped out of the car, the phone had been thrown on the passenger's seat and her eyes, soul, and body could only react to the building in front of her.

She was staring at a two-story building that was much larger than the previous house. The yard has expanded and talked about the front garden, she felt like she needed a gardener to help with it.

The villa on the outside was just superb, there was a garage for her this time and it was closed. Her silver sportscar couldn't be seen which means it was probably inside.