She took the silver car and drove towards the supermarket. The roads were all lit as there were street lamps, and the number of people at the supermarket wasn't much but it was still okay.

When she arrived, it was almost time to close the shop so she simply called Elena to her office since it wasn't busy.

Alayna's purpose was to just tell Elena about her sudden promotion and that she will be in charge of all the other employees. The additional contract was going to be signed later.

She also gave her the code she has been using since the employees won't be using their fingerprints to unlock and lock the shop.

"I may be too busy to come so you deal with it and make sure that everything is okay. And starting from next month which is just a few days away from now, the rotating shifts will start and you will take turns. The first round is from eight to two and the other from two to eight.