After the heated discussion with Milly, Mar think that is enough for one day.
He really doesn't want to involve himself with her. She is as annoying as ever.
They have finished building the fireplace for her place.
He really wants to go home and see his mate so badly.
He gathered the men helping in building the fireplace.
"It is already dark, we can continue with the project again tomorrow. We can finish it soon as there are a lot of us doing the job. Tell the others to endure for one more night."
"Okay chief, we will tell the others." Bon replied.
Everyone went back to their home, including Mar.
He runs as fast as he could so that he can get back home soon.
When he enters the hut, he saw Ren on the bed in front of the fireplace, sewing some animal hide.
She looks cute no matter what she is doing.
Ren notices him and smile at Mar.
"Welcome back dear. I have already prepared some dinner. I am waiting for you to come back so we could eat together."
This touches Mar's heart. This very thing is the reason why Ren is so different with the other females in the village.
She takes care of him and love him too.
He can't help but go to her and hug her.
Ren is so surprised. "Oh, are you okay?"
"Yes, I just missed you so much."
"I missed you too. Come on, clean yourself so we can eat dinner."
"Okay love." He kisses her on the cheek.
While having dinner, Ren and Mar discussed what they did to help the others get through this cold season.
He then explains that Bon notice the fireplace in their home and he suggested to make one fireplace per hut.
"I think that is a wonderful idea dear. That will help the other female for sure."
"Indeed, we will be able to finish it by tomorrow."
"That's good then."
"Will you be okay here alone? I will prepare a food for you before I leave to help with the project tomorrow."
"Of course I am. I can still take care of myself even though I am pregnant. No need to worry about me."
"Okay love."
She then remembers to show Mar the baby clothes that he is sewing for the baby.
"Look at this. Aren't they cute?"
Mar is so amazed how good she is at sewing now.
"That looks good. Is this for our baby? You really are getting good with sewing."
Ren is happy to hear him praise her.
"Yes, I wanted to make some clothes for the baby. And to make myself busy too."
"That's great love. That means I don't have to worry about leaving you here alone. You won't get bored even without me around."
Ren pouted her lips. "Of course I still want you here with me. But what else can I do. You need to help the others too."
Seeing Ren like this makes him crazy. He really thinks that she is so cute acting like this.
"I also wanted to be with you. I will make sure to finish the project soon so I can come home early."
Ren smiles. "Alright, don't rush it so it will be perfect." She kissed him on the lips.
They finished their dinner and went to sleep.