The best friend

Mar is eager to know what Ren is thinking after all of those stories and explanation he said. "What are you planning to do now? Knowing that he might ask you to be his mate and all?"

"What am I going to do? I really don't know. I don't want to think about it now. It makes my head hurt." Ren replied.

Ren can't help but feel bad about Noah. "He must be suffering from loneliness all this time. Maybe that is the reason why he is hesitating to bring me back. He must be very lonely." She thought to herself.

Mar on the other hand, are really jealous about him. He can't express what he feels in front of Ren as he is afraid that it may end up in a fight between them. He really loves Ren and he really wants her for himself, but can he be selfish and not let her get any other mate?

Mar can see that Ren seems down and upset, he then decided to make some food and give it to her so she can calm down and be happy.

"I made some food. Let's eat, this will help you to clear your mind. I know how you love to eat food."

Ren smiled seeing the food on the table. Mar really knows what to do in times like this.

"Thank you love, you really know me. I am really starving."

"Why? Didn't that bird brain give you any food?" Mar said jokingly.

"Don't be silly. It's just that, the food you make are delicious and I miss it."

Mar smiled just thinking that his food is delicious for his mate. It makes his heart warm.

The night comes and the couple spend the night together intimately.

Mar can't help but feel every part of Rens body. Sniffing every inched of her. Making sure that his scent is all over her. Kissing her and making love to her.

Ren didn't even know what Mar is doing, but she definitely is loving it. Moaning is all that she can do.

The next day, Ren feels happy. She has the best mood and best morning ever.

Mar prepared some nice bacon, egg and bread for Ren. He knows that that's her favorite breakfast. While he made some mashed potato for the little Ezra.

While the couple are having breakfast, they heard someone knocking on the door.

Ren opens the door and Ivy come forward and hugs her.

"How are you? Are you alright? Did they hurt you? Tell me what happened."

Ivy can't stop talking so Ren put her hand on her mouth to shut her while laughing. "Stop. I'm okay. I know that I made you to worry and I'm really sorry, but look at me, I'm really fine."

"Never do that to us again. You are not allowed to go near any cliffs from now on." Ivy said frowning.

Ren laughed more hearing those words from her best friend. "Okay, I won't be going near cliffs anymore. But can we go back to that mountain top? The view there is amazing."

"Are you kidding me? No, you are not allowed to go there. Who knows what will happen to you again. Did you even know that I cry my eyes out? I thought you were dead and it is my fault."

"It's nobody's fault, especially you. It's my clumsiness, that's all." Ren hugged her.

"Come sit down and relax. Do you want some tea or did you even eat breakfast? You look famished."

"How can I not be? I was really worried about you. I can't eat or rest. All I do is pray at the goddess Luna for you to be safe. And when you come at my door, then I know that you're safe, that's the only time that I get to rest. I just woke up now and come straight here."

Ren smiled from ear to ear. She can't remember when was the last time that someone really cares about her this much besides Mar. Nobody even looked at her in the orphanage. She feels so lucky having Ivy as a friend.

"I'm so happy to have you as my best friend, did you know that?" She asked Ivy.

"I am the only friend you've got. What do you mean best friend. of course I am the best."

Ren laughed until her tummy hurt.