002 He's my Husband?

Audia and Alvin are still sitting so awkwardly on the aisle. There was no interaction from the two of them, for half an hour they sat and stood and then sat back, receiving congratulations and prayers from the invited guests, which numbered no less than 3000 guests.

Striving with their own thoughts, while still showing smiles on their faces to the guests who greeted them. Although Alvin himself looks relaxed, it is different from Audia who feels tense and has mixed feelings.

Just because his daughter has been single for a long time. Papa just arbitrarily accepted an impromptu proposal from this person. What was his name? Alvin? How come his face looks familiar, huh? Who's like that .... Audia thought.

Audia would not have accepted this sudden marriage, had it not been for her father.

The reception continued for the next hour, Alvin was seen patting Audia's hand gently, which had been squeezing each other—it was a habit from childhood when she felt anxious or uncomfortable.

"You want to eat first?" Alvin asked in Audia's ear, which made her amused by his breath.


"How come you're dumbfounded? Before you change your clothes, do you want to eat first? Are you hungry?" Alvin asked again because Audia was still lost in her thoughts.


"Just eat first, okay," said Alvin as he pulled Audia's hand. And intertwined his fingers between Audia's fingers which looked tiny in Alvin's hands.

They came down from the aisle to the table that had been specially prepared for the bride and groom and their parents.

It was seen that their parents were eating the dishes provided by the caterer while chatting casually. Looks warm and familiar.

Accompanying their meal the music and wedding songs from the wedding singer began to be heard.

Alvin brought various kinds of food that had been served on his table to his wife's plate which immediately got Audia's sharp gaze.

"That's a lot!" she cried when she saw the plate in front of her was full of rice and various side dishes.

"You have to eat a lot. There are still many guests, you know. So you don't faint later," said Alvin while reviewing a smile.

Wow. How many are there? Audia thought. She did not know, at first time this was not her marriage.

"Want me to feed you?" Alvin asked, because since earlier, the food was still on her plate.

"No need. I can eat myself!" Audia replied sternly and began to take her spoon and fork. Quickly, the food on the plate moved and slid into Audia's mouth. Alvin just shook his head and smiled. Unexpectedly, the girl who an hour ago had legally become his wife turned out to be fierce. Regret? We will see later.


Exactly four hours later the grand party was held. The invited guests began to decrease, leaving only a few guests from close relatives and family.

Audia and Alvin went home together, headed for Alvin's parents house by driving a Rolls Royce Phantom that had been decorated with flower arrangements. While their parents followed behind the wedding car.

Four private vehicles appeared to enter the elite housing complex in Jakarta, one of which was also built by Mandala Hutomo Tbk.

Audia and Alvin who arrived first then got off and entered the European-style house. Audia looked amazed by the house. The house is very big, and the yard is wide. Several times the size of the house she shared with her parents and three siblings.

"Wow, the house is really big, isn't it, Bro," said Hari Direja, Audia's younger brother when his feet stepped on the courtyard of the house.

"You're very lucky, Didi—Audia's daily call at her house," replied Heru Direja, Audia's other brother—Hari's identical twin brother.

"Come on in, you two are just dumbfounded outside," said Romi the eldest brother.

They followed him into the house. Audia and her parents were already inside.

"So Audia will stay here, Madam Sri?" Ning, Audia's mother, asked as they sat in the living room.

"No, later, Audia lives with Alvin, at his house," replied Sriwedari, Alvin's mother.

"Our children, have not officially introduced themselves," said Prima. "Thank you very much, Mr. Supomo, for immediately accepting our son's sudden proposal."

Supomo seemed to laugh for a moment. "It doesn't matter. We are, friends from college. Unexpectedly, yes, it turns out that our children are matched."

"Where are these our childrens, how come you haven't seen it yet, have you?" Ning asked.

"Maybe still changing clothes first in Alvin's room," replied Sriwedari.

It wasn't long before the two people who were being talked about were seen approaching. Alvin who had changed into his white polo shirt, khaki trousers. While Audia wore white overalls—the clothes she had worn when she was going to attend the invitation. The two then sat side by side in a still awkward state. Starting a brief introduction that they had not done this morning before the marriage ceremony took place.


"So, you are, my lecturer?" Audia asked as the two of them were on their way in Alvin's private car.

After a brief introduction at Mandala Hutomo's residence, Audia's parents and three siblings said goodbye to go home. In the evening Alvin brought Audia to his residence.

Alvin cleared his throat once. "Yes, that is so."

"No wonder I feel like I know your face," said Audia, matching her memory. "What do you teach, huh?"

"Architecture." Audia nodded her head while her mouth formed an 'o' shape.

'Uh? .... Wait ... what?' Suddenly the nerves of her brain suppress the memory in the hippocampus.

"Mr. Mandala?" Audia asked for sure. Which immediately got a nod from Alvin. "No way!" Audia screamed in disbelief. Her eyes narrowed at Alvin.

"Why?" asked Alvin in surprise.

"The Mr. Mandala I know teaches me to wear glasses. How can it be so different, right, without glasses?" said Audia, still not believing that the person in front of her was 'that Mr. Mandala'.

A Mandala H, that's what Audia remembers when the new lecturer introduced himself when he first taught. Wearing a plaid shirt, smooth hair, neatly slicked back, glasses always perched on his sharp nose. Came with a bag containing his laptop and a textbook for teaching.

Lecturer arrogant, pretentious cool, stingy smile, flat face, killer. Very different from Alvin who is now her husband. Unexpectedly 'that Mr. Mandala' and Alvin—her husband, turned out to be the same person.

A Mandala H, apparently short for Alvin Mandala Hutomo. Audia don't know why this person deliberately concealed his identity, as the son of a well-known, richest real estate entrepreneur in Indonesia, Mandala Hutomo Tbk, when he first introduced himself to his students.

People who while in college she always avoided. Because of the annoying incident that day. On the first day 'that Mr. Mandala' taught her class.

'That annoying person turned out to be my husband?' she thought. 'Oh noooooo!'