003 First Day Together

Audia immediately got off, as soon as their car stopped at the basement of Alvin's apartment, in South Jakarta—where the luxury apartment stands. Annoyed, Audia slammed the door of the black CR-V and stomped her feet every time she took a step. It's a habit she always does when she's upset.

"Audia ..." called Alvin, but Audia did not heed the call. Keep walking while stamping the feet. Alvin shook his head. "Audia!" he cried then, making Audia stop in her tracks. "Where are you going?"

"Uh?" Still with her back to Alvin, her face was red with embarrassment, but she didn't want to turn around. She realized she was just walking around in circles in the parking lot.

"Here, Honey," Alvin called, lowering his voice as he coded the directions for the road they should take.

What? Honey he said? Audia thought, making her shudder. However, by lowering her prestige, Audia followed Alvin behind him, instead she looked more and more ridiculous around the parking lot in the basement for the umpteenth time.

The parking lot at Alvin's apartment is indeed quite spacious, if you are not a resident of the apartment, you can be sure that the road to the elevator will go the wrong way. Like Audia.

Because the concept of residential apartments where Alvin lives is integrated with malls and offices. Almost all residents of this luxury apartment even have access to a private elevator that stops right in front of the unit door and only the owner can use it using a special card.

It looks like Alvin is using his special card while Audia is glaring behind him. 'You rich people,' she thought.

Luxury apartments, of course filled with luxury items, of course Alvin would choose to have a private, gated elevator, right? There's nothing wrong with that choice. And again Audia will enjoy all the luxury facilities too, because she is the wife of the rich man. 'Sob,' Audia thought.

In the elevator, Audia still had an annoyed expression on her face. Lips forward, cheeks puffed up, looking away. Well, traits that Alvin must learn from now on from his wife, if he wants his marriage to last. And started looking for ways to seduce her. A smile appeared on the corners of his lips. Making Audia who was stealing glances at her husband narrowed her eyes. Suspect!

The elevator doors opened, they arrived on the 37th floor, right at Alvin's unit. Alvin immediately grabbed Audia's hand and led her, which of course immediately got a sharp look from her big round eyes.

"You were daydreaming the whole time we went up. I was just worried you'd be carried down again when the door closed. Is it wrong?" said Alvin, explaining why he was holding Audia's hand. And Audia pursed her lips even more, but her feet also stepped out of the elevator.

Audia blinked her eyes many times. Her eyes were constantly scanning every corner of the apartment, which was dominated by black and white. Typical men—single—maybe?

The estimated area of ​​this unit is around 150-160 square meters. Very spacious for a single man. Considering, maybe Alvin rented—or bought this apartment when he wasn't engaged to the beautiful model.

Remembering this, her feelings suddenly became heavy. No less than 12 hours ago she was still a single woman. And now? Her status changed 180 degrees to be a wife—a substitute—perhaps? Uh? 'Why should I? And why did he turn out to be that annoying lecturer, anyway?' her mind cursed fate.

Audia had unconsciously surrounded some of the contents of the unit. Her eyes sparkled when her eyes caught the marble granite countertop, dining table, drying machine, gas stove, kitchen set, microwave, refrigerator, in Alvin's kitchen, just like those of celebrities or master chefs whom she likes to follow on cooking shows on television and YouTube.

Every time she watches the show, every time Audia dreams of having a kitchen like them—one day, so that she can share her cooking and baking hobbies. Truly luxurious.

What dream did you have last night Didi? Audia thought while smiling.

This change, of course, did not go unnoticed by Alvin, who had been allowing Audia to freely explore his unit.

Alvin cleared his throat once, while Audia was busy stroking the 100x100cm marble granite countertop in front of her. Her eyes seemed to sparkle. Maybe if Alvin didn't disturb her daydream, Audia would kiss the table with enthusiasm.

"You like to cook? Baking cakes?" asked Alvin.

"—" A blush appeared on Audia's white face.

"Or a hobby of collecting recipes and cakes, but executing them sometime?" he asked teasingly. Cash immediately changed Audia's happy face to her annoyed face earlier.

"Let's go to our room, shall we?" don't know why this invitation made Audia instantly stiffen and looked at Alvin's eyes sharply.

"Well, are you really not going to sleep? Or do you want to sleep in the kitchen? You seem to be very interested in that table," said Alvin, pointing to the black-and-gray granite table and smiling mischievously.

Spacious bedroom? A personal wardrobe that looks like a room? The thoughts that filled Audia's head when imagining Alvin's room—eheum, her husband.

Alvin led the way and entered his room, still in black and white. Audia was again stunned—let's call her tacky. Alvin's room is the size of 3 rooms—her, Romi, and the twins Hari and Heru combined.

And sure enough, there is a walk in closet—a special room for storing clothes, shoes, etc., in this room, which she saw when Alvin opened the door to the room to get his clothes.

One word escaped Audia's mouth. "Wow." And suddenly she covered her mouth. It made Alvin smile a little. His wife was really like a child—easy to change her mood.

"Want to clean up first?" asked Alvin while carrying two sets of clothes. Hers as well as Audia's.

Uh, wait a minute, is this a dress for me or, has that future wife run away? How come, he know there are already women's clothes here?' Audia thought. The reason is that Audia has not returned to her house since the marriage this morning, let alone brought her clothes to change.

As if he could read Audia's mind, Alvin then said, "This is a special order, I ordered this afternoon for you, and it's been washed. Just use it."

Audia looked taken aback. 'Rich man, geez, free.'

"And this is the underwear. Hopefully the sizes will fit all of them, okay," said Alvin, handing him a set of nude colored underwear, which Audia estimates are the latest release of Victorina Secret.

Alvin's hand was still outstretched in the air—holding the underwear, Audia seemed hesitant to accept it. 'Oh my God, did he even buy underwear? Wait ... what? Do he know where my size?' Audia's face flashed red. Very red, because suddenly her face felt hot, radiating to her ears.

"Do you want it or not?" asked Alvin exasperated, suddenly came up with an evil idea. "Or ... do you prefer to sleep without underwear?" Alvin said quietly with a teasing tone.

Audia spontaneously shouted, grabbed the underwear, took her clothes on the bed, and immediately ran into the bathroom in the room. Close the door and lock it. Alvin laughed and his voice boomed through the room. Stupid!