004 Good Morning My Wife

Two human beings were seen curled up in a white blanket. The cold air conditioner in the room slowly disturbed the woman's sleep. Squirming her body, her eyes were tightly closed—still half conscious, then suddenly her eyes widened in surprise. The woman felt his breath on the back of her neck. Big arms wrapped around her. Close!

"AAAAAAAHH!!!" The woman screamed with all her might, thrashing. Trying to get away from that big arm.

The man who was right behind the woman slowly opened his eyes lazily, when he heard the screams of the woman he was holding.

There's the sound of something falling.

"Auch," the man groaned. He felt someone kick him so hard that he fell to the side of the bed. His upper body was clearly visible, even in the dim light of the room. While the bottom is covered with a blanket. Nevertheless ....

"AAAAAAACH!!! WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" cried the woman in panic.


The night before....

Audia closed the bathroom door tightly and locked it from the inside. Then clean herself, take advantage of the existing facilities, take a hot shower, without bothering to cook hot water first—just like at home.

After drying her body, Audia took the clothes that Alvin had given her—complete with one set of underwear. Her eyes widened in horror as the clothes were worn to cover her body, but not completely. 'What is this, Alvin—as Mr. Mandala,' she thought.

Stuck for a moment, pacing in the bathroom. There's no way, no, she came out dressed like this. The clothes that Alvin gave turned out to be nude-colored lingerie—the same as her underwear.

Audia did not pay attention to the clothes earlier, when Alvin put them on the bed folded neatly. Audia thought it was a normal sleepwear. Instantly her body felt cold. The color and style of this outfit is the same as her not wearing clothes. 'The first night? With Mr. Mandala alias Alvin—her husband? That annoying man! Huaaaa ....'

There was a knocking sound from outside.

"Audia, have you finished your bath? It's been a long time. You don't intend to sleep inside, do you?" asked Alvin.


As soon as Audia entered the bathroom and heard the sound of the key ringing, Alvin was still laughing out loud seeing his wife's childish behavior. Her red face made it impossible for him to continue teasing her. It wasn't long before a phone call came from Alvin's cell phone. Her mother, Sriwedari called.

"Had reached?" she asked on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, Mom. Didi is taking a bath now." Alvin heard the sound of the shower coming from the bathroom.

"Don't forget to pray two rak'ahs first, then pray for your wife. Treat your wife well, Al. Have you memorized the prayer?" Sriwedari reminded.

"Yes, Mom. Al know, how come, hehe ...." Suddenly his face felt hot. Why does his mother have to talk about this, anyway? He is 27 years old, yet. He thought.

Shortly after Alvin disconnected the phone from Sriwedari, the sound of the shower stopped. But Audia did not come out of the bathroom. One minute ... three minutes ... five minutes ... almost ten minutes passed Alvin finally knocked on the bathroom door.

Knock ... knock ... knock ....

"Audia, have you finished your bath? It's been a long time. You don't intend to sleep inside, do you?" asked Alvin. One minute Alvin waited for Audia to answer his question, suddenly heard the sound of a key turning. Audia looks poking her head from inside the bathroom. "Audia?" call Alvin.

"Umm... do you have any other clothes?" asked Audia still with her head poking out.


Audia didn't answer right away, but her face turned red. Before Audia closed the bathroom door again, Alvin swiftly held the door with one hand. And the view that Audia had been covering up was revealed.

"Aaaaach...." she screamed trying to cover up what she could cover up as best she could.

Alvin, who was surprised, immediately closed the bathroom door and went to the walk-in closet, looking for other clothes for Audia. But what he found were all clothes that were almost the same as the ones Audia was wearing.

Unlucky! 'Mommy ...,' he growled. How dare she work on her son when asked to help choose clothes for Audia this afternoon. Finally Alvin grabbed the bathrobe and gave it to Audia.

"Sorry, there's only this," said Alvin, deliberately not looking at Audia. Alvin knew that Audia must be embarrassed.

Not long after, Audia came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe. Her face lowered as she passed Alvin. What a shame!

Alvin's turn to clean up. The sound of the shower was heard from inside the bathroom. Audia sat on the sofa in the room, confused about what to do while waiting for Alvin to take a shower.

Cooking dinner? They had eaten before going home from Alvin's parents' house. Finally Audia took his cell phone. It looks like some notifications go into the green application.

[+62812-xxx-xxxx: "Audia, this is Alvin's mom, have you saved mom's number yet? How do the clothes fit?"]

'Oh my gosh, so Mommy Sri bought me lingerie and underwear?' Audie thought. 'But why not a nightgown, anyway.'

[Dear Mom: "Di, don't forget to take a shower first, okay, then pray two rak'ahs. According to your husband. Sorry, I didn't have time to give you the counsel earlier."]

'What's wrong with this mom, anyway.' Her chest was pounding.

[Darling Dad: "My Darling, take care of your health, okay."]

[Romi: "Enjoy, my dear sister. Hahaha...."]

There were two other incoming messages from Hari and Heru, her twin brother who was only 16 years old. The contents were similar to the one Romi had sent—her brother had sent it. 'Annoying all!' she cursed. 'Except dady, of course.'

Before long, the sound of the shower water stopped, and Alvin came out of the bathroom in his pajamas. Audia who saw it was immediately stunned and put her cellphone on the nightstand.

"Alvin ...." Audia called softly.


"May I borrow your pajamas?"

Alvin suddenly felt like slapping his forehead. 'Why didn't I think of that?' Without thinking Alvin took his clothes. And Audia immediately changed clothes in the bathroom.


The two of them were sitting awkwardly on either side of the bed. Audia ended up wearing Alvin's t-shirt, which was knee-length, because his pajamas were too big for her.

"Mom called earlier..."

"Mom was WA...."

The two of them spoke at the same time and still looked awkward.

"You first," said Alvin.

"—" Audia's face was red like a boiled crab, her hands were seen wringing the hem of Alvin's shirt.

"Let's just pray first, let's go," said Alvin finally as he muffled the pounding in his chest.

Audia complied, following her mother's advice. She went to take her bag containing the mukena.

They also prayed with Alvin's priest. After the prayer, Alvin put his right hand on the crown of his wife, then read the Basmalah and prayed.


Before dawn....

"AAAAAAACH!!! WHO ARE YOU?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" shouted Audia panicked.

Alvin who was still under—by the side of the bed—then stood up, supporting his arms on the side of the bed.

"It's me, Di ..." replied Alvin calmly.


"Alvin-your husband ... you forgot?"

"Hah?" Audi looks confused.

"You're all right, right?" Alvin asked worriedly. Can't bear to tease him.

Audia blinked twice, suddenly the nerves of her brain suppressed the memory in the part of the brain located in the temporal lobe of the brain, which plays a role in maintaining memories.

"Alvin?" she asked quietly as she covered her mouth. Feeling dazed. How could she forget that she was married?

"Good morning my wife," said Alvin, then kissed Audia's forehead briefly. "Let's take a shower first, let's continue at dawn," said Alvin.
