005 My Wife is Good at Cooking

After the Fajr prayer, Audia went straight to the kitchen, impatient to try the luxury kitchen equipment. With a hum, she opened the refrigerator and scanned its contents. It turned out that there was quite a lot of food and raw materials in stock there. A sign that Alvin seems to like cooking too, or maybe the fridge is suddenly filled with groceries because he's getting married? Audia chose number one.

'I can, please. Yes, I hope I have a husband who is handsome, smart, rich, and good at cooking ...'

'Uh! why are you digressing like this? Realize Didi! He's still that annoying lecturer, you know!' Audia monologues in her mind.

Audia then took out the ingredients she would use to make her first breakfast—in the luxurious kitchen. Because there was no rice, the choice fell on the pasta menu. Meanwhile, Alvin sat relaxed in the next room, scrolling through the applications on his cellphone. Surf for a moment in cyberspace. Because it's the weekend and not yet officially working at the Mandala Hutomo company, plus he gets three days of marriage leave—starting from Monday tomorrow—from his campus, he can be this relaxed. There is no need to rush to prepare materials for presentations.

One pack of spaghetti pasta, liquid milk, eggs, cornstarch, cheddar cheese, smoked beef, butter, garlic, onions, oregano, parsley, black pepper, salt, olive oil, and cooking oil is ready to be lined up on the granite table that will be served, execution by Audia.

First, Audia heats the water until it boils—while waiting for the hot water, Audia prepares the spices—garlic and onions—roughly chopped, then the smoked beef is sliced ​​lengthwise.

After the water boiled, Audia prepared two empty glasses for making instant latte coffee, which she found in the kitchen set cupboard. She used some of the water to brew the two cups of coffee. The rest is to boil the spaghetti, stirring occasionally for 10-15 minutes so that the pasta has a chewy texture and is not overcooked. Then drained and given one tablespoon of olive oil so it doesn't stick.

When the preparation is complete, Audia begins to heat a little oil and butter, then saute the garlic and onions until fragrant.

The smell of coffee and spices wafting from the kitchen invited Alvin's appetite and suddenly his stomach felt hungry. He put his cell phone on the table. Slowly, he walked towards the kitchen. And sat at the dining table. Watching his wife pacing back and forth, cooking seriously.

It looks like Audia is adding smoked beef and stirring it well. Then pour the liquid milk—reserve enough for finishing. Enter the grated cheese, a little salt, pepper, oregano, parsley, then stir again until evenly distributed and taste it. After it felt right, Audia put in the spaghetti and stirred it again until smooth.

Alvin then got up from his chair took a small bowl, took half a teaspoon of cornstarch and dissolved it with enough water. He handed the cornstarch solution to Audia who immediately smiled and thanked him. Then pour it into the spaghetti. Stir again until smooth.

Finally, Audia poured the beaten eggs and the rest of the milk, stirred it again over low heat until the gravy became creamy. And immediately turned off the stove and Audia arranged it on two serving plates. As a final touch, Audia sprinkled grated cheese and parsley on top. And... voila! Spaghetti carbonara of chef Audia's is ready. Bon appetite!

For a moment, it seemed like this was fun for Audia and Alvin. They also ate breakfast that morning voraciously closed with a cup of coffee latte made by his wife.

"Ah, it turns out that my wife is good at cooking," said Alvin honestly making Audia smile.


"You want to go home to mommy?" asked Alvin after helping Audia clean up the former breakfast for the two of them. Alvin stood side by side on the edge of the clean granite table.

"Forget it? I'm still in college, Mr. And my books, bag, stationery are all still at home, right. My clothes too, you know." 'Whose fault is it, suddenly propose and then get married without notice?' she continued in her heart.

Suddenly, Audia remembered that Alvin, her husband, was that annoying Mr. Mandala. His eyes then scanned Alvin's face. Every inch of Alvin's face was scrutinized while Audia occasionally squinted her yes.

"Why?" Alvin asked, sounding seductive. Instantly his baritone voice broke Audia's concentration.

"Still thinking, you are and Mr Mandala are really the same person?" she answered plainly. Instantly made Alvin laugh and ruffled Audia's hair.

Alvin then left the kitchen, still laughing.

"Hey! Really, you know, this is what I'm asking. The Mr. Mandala I know is annoying, he's already so rude, stingy with a smile, flat face, arrogant, pretentious cool, killer. It's just annoying!" Audia said while following Alvin. She stomped her feet every time she took a step.

"So? This one you know?" asked Alvin fishing.

"This one, always smiling, although a little crazy, naughty, and ... and ...." Audia's face suddenly turned red, remembering last night's events.

"And what?" asked Alvin, putting on the glasses he usually wore when he taught five months ago.

"And . . . wow! Mr. Mandala!" Audi gasped. "Mr. Mandala, uh, no ... no, Alvin is two-faced, huh?" Silly questions just slipped out of his mouth. Making Alvin exasperated then pinched Audia's nose between his index and thumb. "Auch! It hurts, you know!" shouted Audia and grabbed her nose spontaneously.

"Besides, your babbling is weird. Two-faced. Dont to talk to your husband like that." Alvin took a step forward and pressed his body close, so that the distance between Audia and himself was only a few inches. "Which do you prefer?" asked Alvin with a serious face.

"Mr. Mandala what are you doing?" Audia asked innocently. Instantly her body trembled, remembering last night's events, again. Without warning their lips were already together, making Audia feel that strange thing again, like last night. Her body felt weak.

Suddenly Alvin parted his lips and took off his glasses. His eyes looked straight into Audia's eyes.

"How does it feel to be kissed by your lecturer?"

"—" Audia was too shocked to answer. Her eyes looked like rivers.

Unexpectedly Audia's reaction at that time was just silence, bowing her head, slowly tears rolled down her two reddened cheeks. Her shoulders shook.

Alvin immediately embraced Audia's body. Trying to calm down. However, instead of abating, Audia's cries grew louder.

"I hate Mr. Mandala!" she said between sobs.

"Sorry," Alvin said quietly. At first he just wanted to tease his wife, but now he was filled with guilt. He hugged his wife's body tighter until slowly the vibrations in her shoulders stopped.

"So ready to go to mom and dad's house?" asked Alvin then, suddenly made Audia's tears stop. Still in Alvin's arms, Audia lifted her head so she could clearly see her husband's handsome face. "How?" he asked again.

Audie nodded her head. Then she wiped her runny nose from crying. Her nose and cheeks look red, looks adorable, tempting Alvin to kiss her back, but ....

"Igh, Didi... you're so dirty!" Suddenly Alvin let go of his arm. He saw that his arm and part of the sleeve of his short t-shirt had fallen victim to mucus—snot from Audia's nose—when she was crying, it was his own doing.

"Feel my vengeance!" Audia cursed with satisfaction, then pursed her lips and got up from where she was standing, away from Alvin. She was really upset. How could Mr Mandala alias Alvin, who is now her husband, make her cry again.