006 Five Months Ago

Five months ago....

Audia seemed to be running in a hurry up the streets in the hallway that led to her classroom. Two weeks ago she received information that for two weeks there would be no architecture courses, because Mrs. Tami, the lecturer, suddenly had to follow her husband who was on duty in Japan. So during those two weeks, because there was no substitute lecturer, the students were only given additional assignments for two weeks to fill the vacancy in the schedule, so that they got a replacement lecturer. And during that time, only teaching assistants filled the architecture course. It's just sharing tasks.

But who would have guessed, it turned out that that day suddenly a message from the architecture group entered the green application, reporting that there was an architecture lecture because there was already a substitute lecturer for Mrs. Tami. All students are expected to attend lectures.

Unfortunately, because there was only one course that day, Audia intended to relax at home. She didn't go to campus—well, she got her architectural assignment through an architecture group message, two days earlier.

On that day, she decided to channel her hobby of making cakes at home. Audia only read the message when it was about to set the timer—for the length of time it took to bake a cake. And at that time it was already 07.00 in the morning. Audia hasn't even showered yet. Yasallam.

It was already 08.30 in the morning, thirty minutes had passed, from the time the class started, when Audia finally managed to arrive safely at the door of her class. Her breath was still ragged, her hair, which was usually neat, was now a mess. Her body suddenly felt hot and began to sweat. Audia slowly turned the doorknob of the room and peeked inside.

She saw that the substitute lecturer—glasses, wearing a plaid shirt, smooth hair, neatly combed back—was taking one by one his students, which numbered no more than 30 people. Looks like Audia wasn't the only one who was late. But where are the other friends? Did they then decide not to go to college because they would be late?

Ah, really dammit! Why did you just think of that, huh?! Audia cursed in her heart. Before leaving for college, Audia had left the cake she was making with her mother, Ning. You shouldn't have forced yourself to come to class—which risked being late—and just continued with the cake baking.

"There is a need?" Suddenly the baritone voice broke Audia's daydream, who still looked pale in the doorway—from running earlier. His tone was flat, as flat as the expression on his face. Terrifying! Instantly made Audia's guts shrink.

"Y-yes, Sir?" asked Audia in a daze.

"I asked, is there a need?" repeated the man whose body towered in front of Audia. So with that close distance, she had to lift her head. 'Approximately 180cm or more. His posture is straight, it looks like underneath the plaid shirt there are sexy muscles—maybe he likes sports? Uh? Didi! Focus!' monologue in her heart.

"I asked last time, do you want to go to room, or what?" His tone was starting to sound impatient.

"Come in! Come in, Sir!" Audia answered quickly without turning her head and immediately dashed inside to find an empty seat—ignoring the lecturer. And unfortunately again, the only empty seats left in the front row. 'Yasallam, what sin am I with mom, sob,' Audia thought.

"What's your name?" asked Audia-what-is-unknown lecturer when she took a seat in the front row. There were only two students sitting in the front row.

As if Audia's misfortune wasn't enough in architecture class that day, the lecturer-unknown-name, chose to stand right in front of her, only to be separated by a long table. Staring at her felt intimidating.

"A-Audia Cinta, Sir?"

"You want to joke in my class?" asked the lecturer-unknown-name, crossing his arms over his chest. 'Wow, his arms are really muscular!' Audia thought.


"Your name. Who's right?"

"Audia Cinta, Sir," repeated Audia. Audia suddenly became annoyed with the name given to her by her parents. 'Why use the name 'Cinta–Love in English', anyway,' she regretted.

"My name is Audia, Sir. Cinta, my last name, Sir. How come, serial number 39 is absent, Sir. Please check, Sir," explained Audia. 'Who also wants to express love to you, iuh, just because you're handsome—eh,' she continued to herself.

After confirming that Audia's name was on the attendance sheet, checking his attendance—even though it was late—the lecturer introduced himself again.

His name is A Mandala H. Alumnus of the Indonesian University. Asked to teach temporarily to fill the vacancy of an architecture teaching lecturer.

In the midst of explaining the basic principles of architecture, suddenly Audia's cell phone rang loudly. The alarm signal from the timer she had set for baking cookies—forgot to turn it off. More precisely the phone is not turned off nor is it switched to vibrate mode. The voice echoed through the lecture hall like a bus horn. Audia's hand spontaneously reached into her bag, and frantically searched her bag.

Instantly the silence in the room suddenly became a little chaotic. After a while, the sound of the Audia cell phone still hasn't stopped. The reason is, at the beginning before the lecture, the lecturer who asked to be called by Mr. Mandala had already informed him of the rules when he taught, that all students were not allowed to activate communication devices or the like—this was conveyed before Audia arrived in his class.

"Whose cell phone is that ringing?!" asked Mr. Mandala looking displeased, his explanation interrupted.

Audia timidly raised one free hand, while the other hand was still busy rummaging through the contents of her bag. Her eyes were down. Her chest was pounding wildly. Her heart prayed that she would not die today. It doesn't make sense, doesn't it, she died just because of the sound of a cell phone ringing loudly, in the middle of the lecture the lecturer was arrogant, flat-faced, killer.

"Can't turn it off or what?" asked Mr. Mandala still in a displeased tone. Audia couldn't help but stare at the lecturer. Her sharp eyes pierced Audia. Pain doesn't bleed.

Finally, when Audia's hands managed to find the cellphone in her bag, the sound of the alarm stopped. Audia immediately turned off her cell phone. Her chest was still rumbling—it was tight. Her eyes are glassy. When she blinked, a single clear tear escaped from the corner of her eyes.


It's been two months since Alvin started living in Indonesia again, since Sriwedari's last call—his mother, who asked him to come home, because his father had a heart attack and had to undergo bypass surgery. After almost five years of traveling the world, working on several orders for his photography projects—aerial, macro-micro, natural, architecture, food—for advertising purposes, to war photography, but this one was only done once by Alvin, considering the high risk.

While working on his client's project, Alvin also takes the time to hunt for his favorite photo object and has become his obsession, natural phenomena, especially solar eclipses.

The event, dubbed the 'Ring of Fire', occurs when the Moon covers the center of the Sun, but still leaves the Sun's outer rim.

Almost in every area there is news of a solar eclipse, Alvin can certainly be there. Armed with his flagship weapon of war, a digital DSLR camera (using a 400-600 mm lens, a high-level ND filter of ND 400, to shoot when the sun is still open—so as not to damage the camera sensor and minimal distortion), a tripod and bracket.

Like this year, in March Alvin was already in the Faroe Islands, which is located between Scotland and Iceland, to be precise in the north sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean. Eclipse hunters when they are in the Faroe Islands, not only to enjoy the total solar eclipse, but also to enjoy the aurora.

After learning that his father's condition was stable, Alvin then decided to buy an apartment from his own sweat, in South Jakarta. At the same time, an invitation letter came from where he had his undergraduate education. Offered a job as an architecture lecturer. Without thinking, Alvin accepted the offer. According to him, working as a lecturer is fun and he can share his knowledge so that it can be useful for many people.

Even though he already has more than enough income from his photography job and in the next few months he will replace his father's duties, Alvin is a low profile human type. Go everywhere always dress casually—doesn't reveal who you really are, except to certain people. Alvin doesn't like being in the shadow of his father's success.

If he could choose, Alvin would like to continue his profession as a photographer. But since his father's condition was critical, and he was the only successor in his family, he couldn't help but bear the responsibility—for the sake of his father's subordinates. If his sister was still alive, it is certain that his sister would continue his father's real estate company.

On his first day of teaching, Alvin had been preparing himself since the early hours of the morning. Inform the class committee about the class schedule, the night before. Leave early to avoid traffic jams. Given the distance that is not small. Alvin is one of those people who, if he makes an appointment, will come early, always on time. Truly the type of human who is efficient and appreciates time.

Arrived at campus around 07.45 am. Rest for a while in the room that has been prepared for him until 08.00 will arrive.

Don't know where there was a miscommunication, only some of the students who came to their first class. However, Alvin was still kind enough to give 15 minutes of tolerance for students who came late. While waiting for other students to arrive, Alvin opened his class with a brief introduction to his students and then told the rules for teaching in his class after the 15 minute tolerance time had ended.

Suddenly a student appeared on the other end, just sticking his head out—don't know if he wanted to come in or what. After being reprimanded, he finally entered the class. Absent it and start lectures.

That's when the sound of a cell phone ringing interrupted his lecture. Until he was annoyed and reprimanded one of his students who turned out to be the girl again.

"Can't turn it off or what?" asked Alvin annoyed, he deliberately looked at the girl's eyes sharply.

But after the ringing was silent, he saw that the girl had tears in her eyes. It made him feel like something had stabbed him in the heart. 'Have I gone too far?' he thought.