007 Hi ...

Back to Alvin-Audia's apartment ....

"Didi ..., I'm sorry, okay. I was just joking, really," said Alvin as he knocked on the door to his room which was locked by Audia. "So you're going to mom and dad's house, right? I'll take you later. Come on, are you angry, now?" he continued.

"Didi hates Mr. Mandala or Alvin or whatever!" Audia said irritated.

"Just kidding, honey."

"The joke isn't funny!"

"You acting like a little girl, you know,"


"Didi? Honey .... I'll take mom and dad, okay ... or does Didi just want to go shopping at the mall?" bargained Alvin. "We buy clothes, bags, books ... moreover ...."

Suddenly the sound of the door lock turned and the door opened slightly. Only showing part of Audia's face that looks still annoyed and irritated to the top. 'What? Little girl he said?!' she growled in her heart.

"Mr. Mandala, Sir, forgot, huh? Have you married a small child?" quipped Audia. "I was only 19 years old, five days ago, in case you forgot."

"Didi..." Alvin called softly. "Don't call me 'sir', please, when I'm at home."

"Why? Feeling old?" Still in a cynical tone.

"Yeah, sorry. I said that wrong. Sorry, huh? So where are you going?"

"Just go to the mall! Didi wants to spend money on Mr. Mandala's!" said Audia as she opened the door to her room wide. Still rocking in place. "But, I don't have clothes anymore. Where can I wear clothes from mommy Sri, right? It's scary, iuh. I put my clothes together with dirty clothes yesterday, when I wear your clothes, again, Sir" Audia sulked while pointing at Alvin's T-shirt—the short-sleeved T-shirt Audia was wearing was slightly above the knee, which made Alvin chuckle.

"Call me 'Alvin'. Don't 'sir', please, Di." He said exasperatedly as he wrapped his wife's face in his palms. Making Audia pursed her lips, puffed out her cheeks, her big eyes widened even more as she glared sharply—looking at her husband. 'My wife is really excited,' said Alvin.


Finally, Alvin took advantage of the super express laundry service—30 minutes finished to wash Audia's clothes yesterday. So that they can go to the mall. Alvin himself went to the laundry. It's also a mistake, yesterday asking his mother to help prepare clothes for Audia which turned out to be, well, that's how it is—only suitable for wearing in his room. Hmmm?

Audia with back-length hair—let it fall down, white dress, 5 cm high heels, while Alvin, with his navy plaid shirt, black pants, lace-up sneakers, with sleek hair—slicked back, didn't forget to wear his glasses. Seen walking around the formal wear area for women only in the mall which just opened ten minutes ago, which is still in the same building as his apartment. A few pieces of clothing Audia took—deliberately chose the one with the most expensive price tag among the clothes she had a crush on, to try on in the fitting room.

The clothes for Audia's lectures have been pocketed in several paper bags. And Alvin looked normal when he saw the price tag of the six outfits that his wife had chosen—to make him stop sulking. Then she switched to the day clothes stand which was one floor above her. Again, Audia chose the clothes that cost the most. By looking evilly at her husband. 'Taste my vengeance! Hahahaha ...,' Audia thought.

It was almost lunch time, and the mall visitors started to arrive. Alvin took Audia's hand, so it was safe not to part ways. But what Audia had in mind was, that Alvin was afraid of his wife going to buy other things and afraid of spending his money. 'What? Seriously!' That's a woman, with all her own assumptions.

Until they passed the electronics outlet, which displayed one of Audia's dream mixers—the red KitchenAith hand mixer, which she often saw when she watched cooking & baking shows on television. Instantly he stopped. Staring in amazement at the display case, she forgot to blink.

Alvin, who noticed Audia's gaze, smiled faintly, then pulled her into the booth, which was still empty of visitors. 'What do you want to do?' Audia asked quietly.

Their steps went straight to the baking equipment counter. There are many different brands of mixers and breadmakers on display there. Alvin immediately pointed to the red KitchenAith hand mixer—which was exactly on display in the front window to one of the counter guards at the booth. "That one, Sir."

"Alvin..." Audia said quietly, pulling the sleeve of Alvin's shirt which was rolled up to his elbow.

"You want it, right?" Alvin confirmed.

"Umm . . . but, isn't it, expensive," she answered in a whisper, so the guard wouldn't hear her.

"If you like. No problem." Immediately Audia felt uneasy. "Want red? Or something else?"

"I like it red, but it won't match the furniture in the kitchen—black and white nuances," Audia muttered to Alvin's chuckle.

"It doesn't matter. Since I decided to get married, I'm ready, really, to share colors with my wife."

Alvin's statement suddenly made Audia's face feel hot and red. Embarrassed 'This is Alvin, you mean flirting, right, in front of other people?' Audie thought. 'You can, please, yes, go with your own husband.'

"So red, huh?" asked Alvin to confirm which Audia immediately answered with a smile. "But on one condition, yes," he continued. A spontaneous smile disappeared from the corner of Audia's lips.

'Well, right? It can't be free!' Audie thought.

"I'm already cranky. Not angry anymore. And don't call me 'sir' when you're upset. Deal?"

"Okay!!" Audia answered enthusiastically. 'Ah, the conditions are easy!' she thought.

After that, Alvin left all his groceries in the luggage storage area. Next destination is lunch. Alvin invited Audia to eat at a Japanese-style restaurant, and chose a seat in the corner of the restaurant.

Audia ordered the chanko nabe menu (containing fish balls, vegetables, dashi soup, tofu), while Alvin ordered yakitori—Japanese-style chicken satay, and onigiri—rice balls topped with salt. Drinks of sencha and gyokuro (a type of ocha tea known in Japan). And finally two kakigori—Japanese version of shaved ice.

The order was soon served and they began to enjoy their lunch solemnly, occasionally punctuated by Alvin's signature jokes. After only one day as her husband, Audia finally realized that the annoying Mr. Mandala was not Alvin's character—a pleasant one, except for his ignorant nature. In Audia's eyes, Alvin is the ideal husband.

Audia was enjoying fish balls and tofu from the chanko nabe menu, when her eyes caught sight of a familiar young woman entering the restaurant where she and her husband had lunch, with two strangers Audia didn't know—a man and a woman.

"Erika..." she said quietly.

"Who?" Alvin asked curiously and followed the direction of Audia's gaze.

'I'm dead! Campus could be this excited tomorrow!' Audie thought panicked. Without thinking, she immediately stood up, reached her hand through Alvin's hair—ruffled it so it looked messy, then took off the glasses that were perched on Alvin's nose.

Alvin who suddenly received his wife's absurd treatment could only say, "Hey ...."

Erika and the two strangers noticed that Audia and Alvin were there, and immediately walked over to them.

"Hi .... Audia eats here too?"