008 Hey... Hey... Who's He?

"Hi .... Audia eats here too?" said Erika.

"Y-yes ...," she answered—looking awkward and her gesture caught by Erika, a close friend of hers in the Department of Architecture.

Both Audia and Alvin both stood up from their seats—separated by the table in front of them, when Erika greeted them both. Meanwhile the two people who came with Erika, went to find a seat.

Erika's eyes then glanced at the handsome man in front of Audia. "And who is he, Di?" she asked curiously as she coded with her index finger.

Erika knows very well, this close friend of hers doesn't have a boyfriend or is in a relationship with any guy. Coming to college, immediately hanging out with Erika, resting, going to the library, until returning home, always with Erika, even though they are in different directions from home. There was never a single word from Audia about the man she liked during their close acquaintance—about five months, from the start of the new student orientation period. In conclusion, Audia is single.

"Alvin, Audia's husband,"

"My uncle,"

Alvin and Audia answered at the same time. The two then turned to each other, looking at each other. Making Erika who saw it confused.

"Husband? Uncle? Which one is correct?" she asked again, making sure her hearing was still normal or not. While watching Alvin and Audia take turns.


"My cousin,"

They answered together. Alvin's answer was still the same, while frowning and looking into Audia's eyes. While Audia began to clumsily, not daring to look at Alvin. Instead of staring at her feet. 'Looking at it like this, you come out, right, Mr. Mandala, who is so scary!' she thought as she shuddered.


Three months ago, in the first week of November—after the incident with Audia arriving late at Mr. Mandala alias Alvin's inaugural lecture ....

Within a month, according to the academic calendar and class schedule. The students meet face-to-face with the architecture lecturer—Mr. Mandala, three times a week. And during those twelve meetings, Audia always tried not to make any more mistakes. Come—try to—on time, turn off the cell phone, focus on the lecturer's explanation, submit assignments on time. While the position is safe.

Some of her friends who used to play truancy were sentenced to write a summary of 2000 words, about the relationship between the discipline of architecture and other fields of knowledge taken from textbooks.

On a sunny Tuesday morning. As bright as Audia's heart was at that time—because she managed to get an A for her architecture assignment, which was just distributed by the class committee, before the lecture started. Another unpleasant thing happened to Audia and made her heart gloomy.

Mr. Mandala, who is still loyal to his lecturer's 'uniform'—a blue-red checkered shirt, smooth hair, neatly slicked back, glasses. Came with a bag containing his laptop and a textbook for teaching—as usual, at 08.00 in the morning. The students who had been sitting around gathered, immediately dispersed and took their respective seats. Then prepare books and stationery.

As at the beginning of his previous lecture, Mr. Mandala did not get tired of reminding his students, the rules of teaching in his class, before starting lectures. Orderly, focused, not chatting, and turning off cell phone. That's when, suddenly the sound of a cell phone—typical of a million people's cell phone—is heard again, which filled the classroom. His eyes searched through the students, looking for anyone who seemed to be making an unusual move.

Unfortunately for Audia, who at that time was rummaging through her bag, looking for her pen which had accidentally fallen into her bag, on her lap, coincided with the ringing sound of the cell phone.

"You again?!" Mr. Mandala's baritone voice sounded loud.

Audia, who didn't feel that she was called, was still busy rummaging through her bag. Her gaze dropped to her bag. Until Erika, who was sitting next to her, elbowed her and signaled that she had been reprimanded by Mr. Mandala.

"Yes, Sir?" she asked innocently.

"Turn off the cellphone! How many times have I—" Mr. Mandala's words were cut off by Audia.

"I'm looking for this, Sir!" said Audia annoyed as she held up a pen. "It's not my cell phone that rings,"—sighing for a moment—"check your cell phone, maybe yours is ringing." Soon the ringing of the cell phone stopped.

Receiving such a response from his students, made Mr. Mandala annoyed. 'How dare you go against the lecturer.' But still trying to contain his emotions.

Not long after, the loud ringing of the cell phone was heard again. Mr. Mandala then opened the pocket of his laptop bag. He saw a misscall listed on the screen of his cellphone. Without feeling guilty, then immediately turned off the cellphone. Suddenly the class became noisy.

Mr. Mandala ignored the noisy voices of some of the students. With just one glance at the students, the class immediately fell silent again, and the lecture began. Audia looked sneered at Mr. Mandala. Annoyed!!

After the lecture, Erika and Audia then went straight to the cafeteria, ordered two bowls of meatball chicken noodles and two glasses of orange ice. While waiting for orders, they talked about what happened in their class earlier.

"I swear! I'm annoyed that ma'am is a lecturer. What's the matter with me?!" Audia started the conversation.

"Patience, Di," said Erika reassuringly.

"Just imagine, I've been avoiding it for over a month, so I don't have anything to do with him. But why, every time there's a problem, it's always me who gets hit. What a shame, Ka!"

Erika could only stare at her close friend, expressing her annoyance.

"I swear, people, will get a fierce wife. To know the taste, it feels like being scolded by someone."

"Ish, Didi don't swear like that, ah. Then if the prayer comes back, you, how do you try?"

"No. I don't want to marry a slut like him!"


Back to the Japanese style restaurant ....

"Di? Didi ..." called Erika. Breaking Audia's daydream about her previous words. "Oh, so you're married? How come you didn't invite me, huh?"

"The marriage was sudden. So we didn't have time to give invitations to Audia's friends," Alvin replied with an envious smile. Which Erika immediately nodded.

"Oh, that's right, well, okay. Congratulations, for both of you. We are waiting for the dinner next time, okay, Di," said Erika as she left her place.

"Yes," answered Audia.

Just taking a step, Erika turned her head towards Alvin. "Well, by the way, have we ever met, haven't we, Mr. Alvin? Looks like a familiar face, huh," Erika suddenly asked.

"No, never met. His face is indeed a market, really," answered Audia while waving her hands and giving Alvin a code to support her words. "Yeah, right, Honey." Alvin just raised an eyebrow, didn't say anything.

Erika, who was self-aware, finally left in front of Audia and Alvin, towards the seat that was occupied by the two people who had come with Erika earlier.

Audia immediately sank into the chair. Heaved a sigh of relief. While Alvin looked at her, asking for an explanation.

"I'll explain later at home. Now finish eating first. It's a shame, right, if you don't finish," said Audia trying to avoid it. However, her stomach was suddenly full.


Audia and Alvin were seen walking towards their private lift unit carrying lots of packages in their hands. The plan is that after putting their groceries in the apartment, then praying Duhur, they will go to Depok, to Audia's parents' house. In addition to visiting her parents, also to pick up Audia's belongings.

Unbeknownst to the two of them, Erika and the two strangers Audia had seen at the restaurant were also there. They walked towards the group elevator. Erika caught a glimpse of the two, just before the elevator doors closed.