010 Treasure And Throne

[Photo of Alvin shaking the hand of Supomo, Audia's father, sitting beside her, wearing a white wedding dress, with a veil covering her hair and part of her face]

Caption: Congratulations, Al on your marriage to my surrogate. Wish you happiness. @alvin_photograph

@lalalat: you know how come the bride changed?

@gulalimaniez: yes. This is not sis Laras @laras.amore where are you?

@sarahlee: but his wife is pretty too.

@akujomblo: finally an opportunity has opened for me.

@fanslaras: heartbroken. It doesn't bleed :(

@erika21: Hey, this is you, isn't it? Her face is the same as you @didi.audia.

Alvin sighed heavily when he opened his Instagram account and found a notification from Laras' account, @laras.amore. 'This woman....' he thought.


Some time before....

Audia and Alvin arrived at Audia's parents' house, in Depok, at exactly 02.00 noon. They were greeted by Supomo and Ning, while the siblings were out.

After placing her handbag on the front table, Audia went straight to the kitchen to make drinks for her husband and father.

After chatting for a while with her mother and father, Audia then headed to her room on the second floor, to prepare the things she would take to Alvin's apartment, in South Jakarta, including her textbook and stationery as well as a bag for college.

Alvin accompanies Audia in her room, while surfing the virtual world. Audia has already told how Erika, has received a hint, about who Alvin really is, via Instagram. Alvin wanted to make sure of it himself. Because that woman—his ex-fiancé, suddenly disappeared without a word. And sometimes Laras suddenly downloads his wedding photo with Audia on his Instagram, the day after she disappeared. 'What does it mean?'

Alvin did not reply to the caption made by the @laras.amore account, even though it was just a 'thank you for the prayer'. Even ignoring Erika's question, in the comment column of Laras' endorsed account. Instead of replying to comments on social media, Alvin closed the application and opened an incoming email notification. And saw a reply email from the dean where he taught. Read it for a while. Then reply.

Seeing his wife had finished packing her luggage. Alvin then approached her.

"Want to be transported straight to the car?" asked Alvin.

"Yes," answered Audia.

The two of them came out of Audia's room and immediately took Audia's things, a backpack containing college books and stationery, and a medium-sized suitcase containing some of Audia's clothes. She deliberately left other clothes in her wardrobe, just in case they were staying there.

Audia then went to the kitchen, took one or two of her favorite box pans. She would also take it to Alvin's apartment.

It looks like Romi and the twins Hari and Heru have returned home. They were watching television in the living room, with Supomo and Ning. Seeing the arrival of his in-laws, they greeted him with a handshake. Then go back to watching television shows.

After Alvin put Audia's things in his car, he went back into the house. Join his new family. Familiarize himself.

"Alvin, so you can take time off from campus?" Supomo asked after taking a sip of coffee made by his daugther, Audia.

"Yes, Sir, only three days," replied Alvin. Because it has not been a year of teaching, the allotted leave is only three days. Even then, Alvin did not include the real reason for applying for leave. The only people who know who Alvin is—the son of one of the owners of the real estate company Mandala Hutomo, only the chancellor and the dean of the university, the two of them attended the wedding yesterday. There were also administrative employees who were also invited, they only knew they were invited by the son of a real estate entrepreneur—Prima Mandala Hutomo.

"What do you plan to do for those three days?" Ning asked.

"Want to take Audia for a vacation, Mom."

"Is it possible?" asked Audia. "I'm still in college, right, Alvin?"

"I arranged yesterday, three days off from college."

"Is it possible?" asked Audia increasingly disbelieving.

"Yes. Yesterday, I asked the dean directly and today it has been acceded."

Audi was taken aback. 'My husband is cool!'


Audia and Alvin said goodbye after having dinner together and praying Maghrib. On the way back to Alvin's apartment, Audia asked about the vacation spot they were going to visit.

"Where do you want to go? It's close but. Because the leave, right, not long," asked Alvin.

Audia seemed to think for a moment. "Carita? Peak? Bandung?"

"Choose one, please, Dear," said Alvin exasperatedly.

"Where's the fun, huh?"—Audia thought again—"Just go to Carita, what about that? I want to go there again."

"Okay," said Alvin. Then he took his cell phone from the top of the dashboard, while still driving, handed it to Audia. "Try to check the hotel there. Booking for 3 days 2 nights."

"What hotel, huh?"

"Try looking for the one in Tanjung Lesung, please. The place is still 'virgin', there are also many spots for watching sunrises and sunsets," suggested Alvin. Instantly made Audie chuckle. "What is so funny?" asked Alvin.

"Where is a virgin tourist spot. It's just what it is," answered Audia, still laughing. 'My husband is funny too.' Alvin laughed too.


Audia and Alvin just got out of the car, when they reached the basement—the parking lot, the apartment, someone at the end of the road to the private lift, was waiting for her. Someone, who reminded her, of an incoming message in the green app that Audia had not replied to. Also the question, in the application with a logo similar to the Polaroid camera, which Audia deliberately ignored temporarily.

"Erika ..." Audia said quietly.

"What a match, we are, Di ..." she said sarcastically. "My message was not answered, my poke on IG was also silenced," she continued, crossing her arms in front of her chest. To make the drama feel even more dramatic, Erika looked at Audia with her narrowed eyes widening.

"Alvin ..., go ahead, okay. Later Didi will follow," said Audia to her husband. The business with Erika had to be finished today, otherwise her vacation would be disrupted.

"Call me, when you're done, okay. I don't have a spare card."


Audia then invites Erika to Coffee Bean in the mall.


"So, husband, you, really Alvin, his fiancé, errata, the super model's ex-fiancé Laras?" Erika asked enthusiastically. They were already at Coffee Bean, almost 15 minutes ago, ordering 2 coffee lattes and 2 slices of red velvet—Erika paid, Audia suddenly remembered that she didn't bring any money, because she had gone with her husband. 'Her husband has a lot of money, so you don't have to bring money.'

"Yes. But, please, keep it a secret, okay. I don't want to get excited all the time,"

"Actually, your husband has never been engaged to a model as popular as Laras. I'm sure your impromptu marriage will be safe, Di. Because not many people know about the real estate businessman's family too. You have to take good care of your husband, there must be girls or woman who have a crush on your husband," said Erika. This close friend of Audia really likes to speculate, connecting the existing clues. Her intuition is often right, but often wrong. The odds are 50:50. Therefore, before Erika thought too far—about who Audia's husband was, Audia had to clarify the news herself.

"Is it really? Like uncles–an old man–like that, will anyone have a crush?" Audia asked innocently.

"Ugh, reminded. Your man, is rich." Instantly Audia understood. What can bring women to their knees—though not all, are treasures and thrones.