011 Rescue Scene

A few weeks before the wedding day ....

Audia and her friends gathered on the beach in West Java. Looking forward to New Year's Eve. Trumpets, fireworks are ready in their hands.

Ten ... nine ... eight ....

... three ... two ... one ....

The sound of trumpets and fireworks filled the white sandy beach area. Shouting, laughing, enjoying the New Year's Eve. No exception, Audia and Erika laughed happily enjoying the beach atmosphere with a distinctive sea breeze.

The event that had been prepared by the EO of the hotel where they were staying was continued with a music event. Visitors to the hotel are seen starting to enjoy dinner.

Audia took several kinds of desserts and salads. Her hands seemed full to carry the two plates to the table where her friends were gathered. They take turns taking food, so that their table is safe from being occupied by other hotel visitors.

Seen in another corner of the place, handsome men and beautiful women are enjoying New Year's Eve too. The man wore a t-shirt combined with a black coat on the outside. Casual but looks formal. The woman who is a top model who is shining in her beloved motherland, is wearing a black long dress that exposes her back. Her hair is in a wavy style. Very beautiful. In harmony with the handsome man sitting in front of her, the son of a well-known real estate entrepreneur in Indonesia. They were there for the New Year's event as well as the Launching of the Latest Fashion Products—St.Eva, where the woman became the brand ambassador for St.Eva Fashion Products, and of course as a good fiancé, the man accompanied her.

At the peak of the New Year's Eve event, suddenly there was a group of teenagers screaming on the beach. They screamed for help while pointing towards the dark shore. "Help! Help! Our friend got carried away by the waves! Help!"

The handsome man who was not far from the place immediately ran towards the beach. Followed by several people who also saw and heard the screams. When he saw someone's hand waving from a distance, slightly out to sea, the man immediately took off his coat, and braved the waves to help the person.

The man came back carrying a girl who was already unconscious. The Lifeguard who came a little late, immediately helped the girl. The girl was immediately laid down in a place some distance from the beach. The man then gave space to the lifeguards, who immediately took over to deal with the girl. He checked if she was still breathing by bringing his ear to the side of the mouth, then the girl's nose. The girl was not breathing. The lifeguard then checked her pulse for 10 seconds, but couldn't feel her pulse, so they immediately performed CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

CPR was performed 30 times with an average speed of 100 pressures per minute. Still no results. The lifeguard tried to open her airway by lifting her head and lifting her chin carefully, pinching the girl's nose, then blowing air into the victim's mouth, twice in one second. The man watched with a worried expression.

After some time the girl came to her senses, coughed and spit out seawater from her mouth. The man immediately carried the unconscious girl back into his car and took her to the nearest hospital. The woman who had been with him earlier and witnessed the rescue scene from the start also participated.

Meanwhile the girl's friends followed in their car, following the car that was carrying their nearly drowned friend.


Back to Coffee Beans. Audia and Erika had finished their snacks. Audia then called her husband to pick her up downstairs.

"By the way, where are you going?" asked Audia, who from the start began to be suspicious of her best friend, who was still around the apartment until nightfall.

"I'm staying here, with my auntie and my uncle. On the 35th floor. My mom and dad, out of town. I'll just go home tomorrow," explained Erika, who was nodded by Audia.

They separated, when the group lift that would take Erika to her uncle and aunt's unit opened, leaving Audia still waiting for her husband to pick her up.

Not long after, Alvin arrived. They both got into the private elevator. Inside, Audia remembered Erika's words earlier, while waiting for the group lift to descend.

"By the way, Didi. The stranger who helped you the other day, when you were at the beach at that time, is Alvin, your husband," she said. Makes Audia widen.

"Seriously?" Audia asked to make sure Erika didn't say the name wrong. Because at that time, Erika confessed, she vaguely recognized who the foreign man was who dared to help her and even pay for her medical expenses, before finally the man left without saying goodbye. "You said that time, you don't remember, and can't see clearly."

"It's noy time for me to lie or joke. Just ask your husband later. I'll go first, okay, bye." Erika got into the elevator. Leaving Audia pensive, until her husband arrived downstairs.

In the private lift, Audia looked at her husband, to be more precise, glanced at him secretly. His appearance was still the same as before when they parted a moment ago, after meeting Erika again, but Alvin wasn't wearing his glasses. And seeing him in a different shirt from the one he was wearing this afternoon, it seemed that her husband had just finished taking a shower, because the fresh, fragrant, soft and masculine scent of white musk was still clearly lingering in Audia's senses. The scent that had recently become her favourite. Remember, in her old house, all her siblings were male, and this smell was different from the soap they used to use. Alvin who felt his wife's behavior was getting absurd then asked, "Why? What did Erika say?" Alvin's baritone voice broke Audia's thoughts for a moment.

Suddenly Audia lunged at her husband, and hugged him. Tightly. "Thank you," she said softly.

"For?" he asked confused.

There was no answer from Audia for a long time, but he felt her body vibrate, and the shirt he was wearing felt wet.

"Didi?" he asked again, sounding worried. Replying to Audia's hug. Trying to calm down. "What did Erika say?"

"Alvin, why didn't you tell me?" Audia asked after she managed to control her emotions. She lifted her head, looked at Alvin, still in her husband's arms.

"What is the story?" he asked still confused. "Don't talk half-heartedly, please. I don't understand."

"If you have met Didi before." Suddenly, Alvin's face turned serious.

"Yes, we have isn't it, Didi's lecturer. Have you met me, what else do you want to talk about?" he said.

"Not that one. Erika doesn't know yet, You are my lecturer. But ... the one on the beach. It was you who saved Didi, right?" she asked. "Why don't you tell me?"

Alvin suddenly remembered the incident. "No, I didn't tell you. But not yet, Honey," Alvin replied, pinching his wife's nose which was red from crying earlier. "We got married too, didn't we, just yesterday."

"Shh!" Audia protest. They arrived at the unit and immediately got out of the elevator. Like yesterday, Alvin burst out laughing, started teasing his wife again and annoyed Audia.