012 Heading to the Beach

"Alviiiiiiiin!!!" shouted Audia. Her annoyance has reached the top. Anyway, Alvin laughed like that. What's so funny about picking the nose, anyway?!

Like a child, Audia chased Alvin between their living room and bedroom. After five rounds of dodging and shouting, Alvin suddenly stopped his footsteps and turned his body, so that Audia, who did not predict her husband's sudden movement, immediately bumped into him.

Loud noises rang out. Audia fell right on top of Alvin's body, his broad chest peeking out from under his shirt which he had left two buttons open on purpose, moving up and down, adjusting his breathing to return to normal. The sound of gasping breaths rang out between them. At that moment they stared at each other for a split second. Time seemed to stop for a moment. Admire each other.

Alvin, his messy hair, with sweat on his forehead, adds a plus point to a man with a charming appearance, and the faint scent of his masculine white musk wafting from his body, again like a pheromone that seduces Audia's sense of smell.

Audia, with her big round eyes, part of her face was covered with hair. Her mouth opened slightly, breathing with her mouth to be more precise, because she was tired from running. The aroma of coffee latte mixed with red velvet that was still left in her mouth, came out of her mouth, along with the rhythm of her breath, blowing on Alvin's face.

Audia, who woke up first, immediately beat his husband's chest—though without strength, because she was already exhausted when she chased Alvin around the room.

"Not funny! Not funny! Not funny!"

Alvin, who was still drowning in laughter, then locked Audia's hand, which was still beating his chest. Makes it no longer able to move. Alvin grabbed Audia's waist with his other free hand.

"Want to try a new style?" asked Alvin teasingly.

"Aaaach ...," shouted Audia as she tried to free her hand from Alvin's big hand. But in vain. It took extra energy for Audia to free herself from Alvin, she no longer had the energy. Without realizing it, her body moved erratically on top of Alvin's body.

"Didi ... don't ... move a lot ...," Alvin said quietly. However, Audia did not heed. Still trying to free herself. "Didi ..." Alvin repeated. Feeling useless reminding his wife, Alvin then lifted Audia's body lightly, using one hand. Now their positions are reversed. "Didi!" snapped Alvin. For a moment, Audia was silent. Her breath was still hoarse. Her face reddened. Her sharp eyes stared at Alvin. However, for some reason, in Alvin's eyes, Audia looks adorable and exciting, especially with their position like that.

Alvin brought his lips closer to Audia's lips. Feeling the softness of his wife's lips, tempting her to kiss deeper. Only then had he felt a burning passion. Whereas yesterday, on their first night, Alvin felt awkward and also nervous. But now, shamelessly, Alvin licked Audia's lips. Both of his hands cupped her cheeks. The kiss deepened. While Audia herself just resigned herself to accepting her husband's kiss, she didn't have the strength to fight back. Her energy was completely drained. She closed her eyes, just enjoying her husband's actions. Surrender is the only option, and rest for a moment her body. While diving drinking water. Nothing's wrong, right?

"Let's move to the room," said Alvin suddenly, making Audia open her eyes again. Nodding her head once. Alvin then carried her up to their room. Continuing the action further.


Towards dawn....

"AAAAAACH ... AAAAAAAAACHHH ...," two screams managed to wake up Alvin who was fast asleep.

"Didi..., hey, hey, calm down... what's wrong?" Alvin hugged Audia's body. But instead of stopping her screaming, Audia screamed hysterically.

"Audia Cinta!" exclaimed Alvin, as he unraveled his arms, wanting to make sure Audia was doing well. Alvin felt something was wrong with his wife. Her eyes were closed, and there were tears in her eyes.

"Sorry," said Alvin. Audia wept bitterly. "I didn't mean to yell at you. Are you, okay?" Alvin cupped Audia's cheeks, forcing her to open her eyes.

"Audia ... Honey ...."

Suddenly Audia's hand wrapped around Alvin's waist. She rested her head on her husband's chest. "I think, you are someone else," she said softly between sobs.

"Yeah, okay, let's clean up first," said Alvin while kissing his wife's forehead. There was an incomprehensible feeling from his wife's behavior. Have Audia twice thought that he was someone else? Alvin had to find out the cause.

Last night they got along for the first time after a small fuss. How come Audia still thinks he, Alvin, is someone else? They really only got to know each other after they got married. Ignore of the position of lecturers and students. Beyond that, they were indeed two complete strangers, who didn't know each other .... However, was that really so?


Around six o'clock in the morning, Audia was already active as the previous morning. Prepare breakfast, for her and her husband. Alvin watched her. Nothing strange or unusual. Audia was still cheerful, like yesterday morning, while preparing breakfast for the two of them. A smile spreads across her face that accentuates her high cheekbones—the hallmark of a diamond face, while occasionally humming her favorite lyric, A Thousand Years—Christina Perri.

Not long after, an egg prawn omlet was served in front of them, and two coffee lattes. They eat as usual.


"Didi are you sure it's okay for us to walk today?" asked Alvin after they finished breakfast, and immediately packed a few pieces of clothes that they would take on vacation into one suitcase. Don't forget to bring Alvin's flagship camera with him.

"No, really, Didi is healthy. It's a shame, right, we've already booked a place, paid in advance, it's not time to cancel. Don't worry," said Audia confidently.

"Bring this, Di," said Alvin shamelessly, as he handed her the clothes Alvin's mother had bought her.

Audia, who saw what her husband was proffering, was wide-eyed, a red tinge appeared on her face. "What the hell, iuh, I don't want to!!" Audi protest. Which made Alvin start teasing his wife, again.

"Bring it anyway!" Alvin said increasingly, teasing Audia.

"Don't want to, ugh, it shame!"

"Well? With your own husband, why are you embarrassed? You've seen it all."

"Alvin, ish!" Audia exclaimed while pinching Alvin's waist.

"It hurts, Di." Alvin looks grimace, Audia pinch is pretty good too.

Suddenly Alvin, pulled Audia's hand. Grasping her waist.

"Alvin what are you doing?" asked Audia in surprise.

"Want to punish you!"

"Al—hmmft." Alvin licked Audia's lips and didn't let it escape punishment.


Audia and Alvin left their apartment around nine in the morning. The streets are pretty quiet and smooth because it's time for rush hour vehicles to pass by, taking the drivers to work.

They arrived at their destination approximately three hours later. After that, unload the luggage, then take a break and have lunch. The rest of the day they spent relaxing for a moment. It seems that Alvin shows some of the photos he took to Audia when he stopped by several regions in Indonesia and abroad. Audia was amazed many times. And the 'wow' comments came out of her mouth many times.