013 Tanjung Lesung 1

"Aaach ... ALVIIIIIN!!" cried Audia suddenly.

Towards the evening, the two of them were sitting relaxed, watching a cooking show on cable television—the cottage facilities they rented. Alvin, feeling thirsty, then moved from the sofa in front of the television to the kitchen which was not far from there.

Audia, who was sitting alone in the room, suddenly heard a loud gecko sound. Immediately, she screamed.


"ALVIIIIIN ... huhuhu ...," she called again. Audia began to sob.

Alvin, who had heard Audia's screams for the first time, immediately ran over to her, asking, "What's wrong, Di?" He saw his wife standing on the sofa with a pale face.

"Huhuhu ... just now ... there was ... a sound ... a gecko. Didi was scared!" she stammered, still unmoved from her spot.


Soon the voice was heard again.


"That its ... that's the sound!!" said Audia hysterically, waving her hands. "Please get rid of it, Alvin. Didi is afraid." Alvin swiftly pulled his wife's body down from the sofa and carried her into his arms. Trying to calm her down.

Not long, the sound of the gecko was heard again.


Alvin then took the spear that was provided in the cottage. Follow the direction of the voice. With a hint of his index finger touching his lips, telling Audia to be quiet. One step, two step, three step. Without a sound, a shadow flashed past Alvin from behind the television. The gecko ran towards Audia who immediately climbed back onto the sofa screaming.

"Kyaaaaaa ... kyaaaaa ... KYAAAA ... ALVIIIIIIIIIN!! DIDI IS FEAR OF GECKOS!!"

Alvin chased the gecko out, in a small garden inside the cottage. Finally, the gecko was defeated by Alvin. Alvin came back in.

"Get down, Honey," Alvin persuaded, one hand reached out for Audia to grab, moments after defeating the gecko, which had scared Audia.

"The gecko is gone? Is it dead?" asked Audi. Her face was still pale.

"It's dead, really. That's why it's down, came on," replied Alvin, now he stretched out both hands.

Audia got off the sofa, and immediately hugged Alvin tightly. Suddenly Alvin felt Audia's body vibrate and his clothes suddenly got wet.

"Didi, are you crying?" asked Alvin, stifling a laugh, not wanting his wife to sulk at being laughed at. Letting her cry for a while in his arms gave her a sense of comfort.

"Shall we continue watching, or do we want to go to our room?" asked Alvin, trying to make Audia less scared.

"Carry," said Audia spoiled.

"Why? You're already big, why do you want to be carried, anyway," teased Alvin.

"Alvin, ugh, Didi is weak you know! Can't walk. Not strong," answered Audia still spoiled.

Without warning, Alvin immediately carried Audia to their room. Alvin came out again, to turn off the television. When he came back, he saw that Audia had fallen asleep. Whether it's because she's tired, or something else, Audia is fast asleep tonight. He covered his wife, and kissed her red lips. Alvin also lay down beside Audia, fell asleep hugging his wife.


Before dawn....

"Aaaaaach...." Audia screamed, trying to free the big hands that wrapped around her waist. "Let go ... let go," she said breathlessly.

Alvin opened his eyes slightly, getting used to Audia's screams in the early hours of the morning like this. Instead of letting go of his embrace, Alvin deliberately tightened his embrace. Closed her body, propping her chin on Audia's shoulder.

"Honey..." Alvin said quietly. "Shh ... calm down, okay. It's me, your husband," he continued. Slowly, he felt Audia start to calm down. Shut up. Her breathing seemed to be getting regular.

Alvin then got up and moved places, so he could face his wife. Cupping her cheeks, then asked, "Audia, what are you doing?"

Audia was silent. Her eyes were blank. Neither of them spoke for a minute.

Suddenly, Audia dropped her body on Alvin's chest, hugged him, and started to cry.

"Didi, confused. Sorry," said Audia quietly.

Alvin hugged his wife back, then kissed her forehead. "Let's find out slowly, shall we?" said Alvin finally.

"Let's pray first, and get ready to catch the sunrise, okay?" said Alvin to which Audia nodded.


After praying, Audia and Alvin got ready, wearing their jackets. Eat some snacks, which they brought yesterday. Bring a camera and a small mat, then straight out of the cottage to the beach.

Audia and Alvin walked side by side, along the beach which was still empty, their hands intertwined as they walked along the shore.

The sound of the wind and the sound of the waves rumbling, echoed, filled the atmosphere in the early morning. The only light, was from the street lamps installed every few meters of the path, not far from the cottage. A bone-chilling chill, if they weren't wearing their jackets.

Suddenly a warm feeling spread from Audia's fingers into the recesses of her heart. She don't know what that feeling is.

A feeling that seemed to have stopped, long ago, long before. However, Audia still didn't understand that feeling. What Audia knows today is that she is starting to admire the figure of her husband, as well as a substitute lecturer at her campus, and don't forget one thing, Alvin is also the sole heir to the real estate company Mandala Hutomo Tbk.

However, Audia thinks, Alvin is more suited to be a professional photographer, with a mainstay weapon—a pro camera wrapped around his neck, wandering looking for interesting objects to capture, as if he was used to the weight of the camera.

Audia has seen some photos taken by her husband. Everything looks beautiful and awesome. Has a strong impression of his character in those photos. Mysterious. Mystical. Magical. She fell in love, with all the photos Alvin showed her. Could that love have been present in Audia's heart? So that everything looks beautiful?

Alvin's steps suddenly stopped. Making Audia stunned.

"Let's go up there, shall we?" said Alvin, pointing to the cliff in front of them. "It's a good spot to take the sunrise," he continued, to which Audia nodded.

Alvin stepped on his feet, step by step, and carefully helped Audia to climb the cliff, although it was not too high, but the dim atmosphere made it difficult for Audia to get on her feet.

Arriving at the top of the cliff, Alvin spread the mat for them to sit, put his camera next to him, then waited for the sun to shine. He embraced his wife's body. Give each other warmth. Audia slowly leaned her head on Alvin's shoulder. Gazing at the vast expanse of the ocean that lay before her. The waves rolled in, occasionally greeting the cliffs where they were mingling, then unraveled, producing a beautiful melody.

Audia suddenly felt something soft, warm, and wet touch her cheek. Made her turn, and saw Alvin looking at her with a smile.

"I love you," he whispered. Audia only smiled back at her husband. Make Alvin excited.

"I said, I love you, Honey," Alvin repeated. Audia answered with a laugh.

"Hey, answer me, please. Dont't to laugh, anyway," Alvin made even more excited. Alvin shamelessly showered his wife's face with kisses, making Audia laugh.

"Alvin, it's amused, sorry, sorry," said Audia between laughs.

Slowly a beam of light began to radiate from the eastern horizon. The sky looks red and orange typical arunica, which is caused by the scattering of sunlight by dust particles, small particles, other solid aerosols, and liquid aerosols in the earth's atmosphere.

Arunika or sunrise is an event where the upper side of the sun appears above the horizon in the east. Sunrise is not the same as dawn, where the sky begins to lighten, some time before the sun appears, ending twilight (events of visible sunlight from late dusk to dawn).

Alvin stopped teasing his wife and started setting up his camera, capturing one of those natural phenomena.

Audia herself, enjoyed the sight, with a feeling of amazement. Slowly as if she got a glimpse of something, an event that had happened in her past. However, she couldn't remember.

Without realizing it, Alvin captured the scene beside him. The woman who has now become his wife, and he loves her, stares at Arunika on the eastern horizon.

"Beautiful," he said softly. However, it could still be heard by Audia's, because of that, she turned her head and smiled.

A smile that seemed familiar in Alvin's mind. The smile he had seen before.