014 Tanjung Lesung 2

"Beautiful," he said softly. However, it could still be heard by Audia's, because of that, she turned her head and smiled.

A smile that seemed familiar in Alvin's mind. The smile he had seen before. Which made his chest pound.


Tuesday morning, Audia and Alvin enjoyed the breakfast menu served at the restaurant where they were staying. Lobster with sweet and sour sauce. Which tastes very delicious.

Alvin, from behind his glasses, watched carefully how Audia ate so voraciously. Feed after mouthful looks so tempting.

"You like seafood, Di?" asked Alvin who had finished his meal. His hand reached out, wiping the remnants of the sauce left on the corner of Audia's lips.

Audia nodded, swallowed the remaining lobster meat in her mouth, then said, "This lobster is really delicious. That's why Didi likes it."

Ten minutes later, after finishing the lobster and a refreshing young coconut ice drink, Alvin took Audia along the beach in Tanjung Lesung.

The stretch of white sand, the rolling waves that never stop greeting the coast, really refresh the eyes on that sunny morning.

Occasionally record beautiful moments with his camera. Pointing it at Audia who looked bashful.

"Well, please, Alvin. Don't keep taking Didi's photo. Shame, you know!" Audia dodged by covering her face. Alvin laughed bitterly.

"Usually, I don't like photos of human Almost my whole life, I only take photos of landscapes, natural phenomena, as well as food and beverage products." Audia seemed to be listening intently.

"So, Didi is the first human, right, the one in the photo?" Alvin nodded.

"Fashion products, instead of wearing models, huh?" asked Audia, again, curious.

"I don't accept jobs that use human models." Alvin ended the conversation, leading Audia to continue walking.

"You can swim, Di?" asked Alvin suddenly after a while they were silent as they walked along the beach, only the crashing of the waves and the sound of seagulls filling the beach air.

Audia stopped in her tracks. Looking at Alvin. As if remembering something.

"On New Year's Eve, was it really you, Alvin who helped Didi?" Alvin smiled. Pulling Audia away from the beach. Looking for a drier and shady place, away from the coastal breeze which was still quite strong that morning.

Alvin cleared a stone seat for the two of them to sit on, then asked, "Why?"

"Yeah, just curious. Because we, right, could be strangers." Alvin was stunned by Audia's words.

"I recognize you, really. My student who always makes trouble." Alvin chuckled after saying his sentence. Immediately Audia punched him in the arm, though not with all her might.

"You are it's just a killer lecturer." Audia stuck out her tongue.

"Didi feels reborn. If you didn't help Didi, maybe we would never get married. That's right, right?" Alvin shrugged.

"I'm not going to assume." Alvin stood up, cleaning his pants from the sand. Then said, "Come on!"

Audia looked up, "Where are you going?"

"We're swimming. But put the camera on first." Alvin immediately pulled Audia's hand.

As if forgetting her annoyance, Audia followed Alvin's steps. Clinging to his arm. Every now and then she rested her head on Alvin's sturdy arm. And Alvin will reply by ruffling Audia's hair, until she gets annoyed again.

They ran after each other until they arrived in front of the cottage they rented. Alvin arrived first, and was seen standing quietly in front of the door. Make Audia curious.

'Even stunned. Instead of opening the door. What a strange uncle,' Audia thought.

"What is it?" Audia finally asked, not finding anything out of the ordinary, in front of the entrance to their cottage, which made Alvin flinch.

"I just remembered."

"Hmm? Remember what?" Audia's two eyebrows instantly knit together to form three wrinkles.

Instead of answering, Alvin lifted Audia's body. Carry her bridal style. Audia immediately squealed in surprise. She wrapped her arms around Alvin's neck. Her lips were pursed, sulking.

Alvin laughed, then said, "I haven't carried my wife like this since we got married." Audia just raised her eyebrows. Don't understand, what's so special about carrying like this?

"Isn't it, yesterday, did you carry Didi like this?" Audia remembered the incident some time ago at Alvin's apartment. Alvin chuckled.

"Different." Audia wrinkled her nose. 'Oh my, it's weird!' she thought. However, Audia couldn't help but smile, remembering the events that had passed.

Come to think of it, from the first meeting with Alvin Mandala Hutomo, they were like dogs and cats, or the famous cat and mouse cartoon character. Then they ended up in a marriage bond that Audia didn't expect at all.

"Why do you keep looking at me like that?"

Audia, who was smiling to herself, from the moment Alvin carried her into the cottage, until he stopped at their bedroom door, tickled Alvin's idly soul to tease her.

"Huh! Too confident!" said Audia whose face is now red.

Alvin dropped Audia after they were in the room. Sit her on the edge of the bed. Meanwhile, Alvin opened his suitcase, which Audia had only partially taken out, and put it in the cupboard provided in the cottage.

"Wear this." Audia received clothes that she thought were underwear. Again, the output of Victorina Secret.

"Why, even stunned." Alvin began to undress himself. Making Audia squeal and spontaneously close her eyes.

"Alvin what are you doing?" Audia turned her body, her back to Alvin, still with her eyes closed.

"Why? We're going to swim. Forgot?" Audia slowly lowered her hands, still with her back to Alvin.

"You, not going to change clothes, Di?" Alvin walked over to her. Audia squealed again and closed her eyes.

Alvin, of course, had changed into his bathing suit. Exposing some parts of his body. Which may make Audia can't stand to look at it for long.

"What are you doing, Di?" Alvin knelt in front of Audia who now turned her face away–with her eyes still closed. His hand gently stroked the back of her hand.

"Alvin ... umm ... go ahead, okay. Later, Didi will follow." Alvin laughed amusedly.

"You are, have never seen your husband like this—"

"Stop! Stop! That's it. Just go ahead." Audia shooed her husband away, still with her eyes closed. Made Alvin excited. He kissed her cheek, before moving from the room to the swimming pool inside the cottage.

"I'll wait. Worn, okay, the clothes earlier."

Audia was silent for a moment. She peered into her room with one eye open. After making sure it was safe, then she opened her eyes wide.

'Hah? Asked to replace with this? That's right!' Audia complained.

Five minutes later, Audia came out of her room wearing a monstera leaf motif bathrobe. Her footsteps towards the swimming pool aroused the curiosity of Alvin, who was soaking at the edge of the pool. Part of his body was in the water, leaving his upper body perfectly exposed.

His eyes were so closely following where Audia stepped and stopped right at the edge of the pool. Audia, who had noticed Alvin's gaze, stuck out her tongue. Hastily took off her bathrobe and plunged herself into the swimming pool. Causing ripples and large splashes of pool water, hitting Alvin's body.

"Audia!" Audia laughed loudly.