016 Concerns Alvin

"Want to come down? Nearby, there's very good prepared seafood." Alvin broke the silence. He got out of his car, followed by Audia.

Alvin pulled Audia's body closer to him. Embrace her all the way, towards a Japanese food restaurant.

After a few hundred meters they walked from where Alvin had parked his car, Audia complained, "Is it still far? Where is this nearby?"

"Just a minute, Honey." Alvin grabbed Audia's nose which then snorted.

Suddenly Alvin stopped his steps. Audia, couldn't help but stop, turned around while frowning.

"Want me to carry you?" Alvin smiled crookedly which was clearly teasing Audia.

"Ugh! Just make sense!" Alvin laughed. Wrapped his arm around Audia's waist. Audia glared sharply.

"We crossed, Honey." Audia complied.

They arrived in front of a Japanese restaurant which was in the same location as an Indonesian restaurant – which was still quiet because it was not a holiday. Looks minimalist from the outside. But in it there is a spa that can be used to pamper a tired body or just a hair and facial treatment.

"Here's a baby octopus menu that I like."

Audia and Alvin entered a Japanese-style restaurant. The maid there escorted them to a special closed room. Sitting flat, on a soft cushion.

Alvin then ordered various kinds of food that he liked. Starting from the appetizer menu to drinks.

While waiting for the order, Alvin showed off some new photos that he had uploaded on his Instagram.

Arunika's photo, the beach, and a photo of Alvin's hand holding Audia's hand at the beach this morning.

"Ugh, it's just we hands. Why are you trying to put it on Instagram." Audia protested with a sneer. Alvin just chuckled.

"My wife, only I can enjoy it. The important thing is that my followers know that I'm married." Audia suddenly felt her heart warm.

Audia was silent for a while, before asking, "Indeed, your followers have been chasing you all this time, haven't they?"

Alvin burst out laughing.



Alvin laughed again. Annoys Audia. Puffed out her cheeks. And she deliberately raised her lips like a fish.

Not long after, their orders came one by one.

There was a tsukidashi–appetizer and salad, Alvin chose the yasai salad, which contained a vegetable salad with Japanese dressing. Kani salad, filled with crab meat, with vegetables and mayonnaise. One serving each.

Chuka lidako goma, baby octopus, topped with sesame and sauce. Alvin's favorite menu, he ordered up to four servings.

And other menus, such as tobiko sushi, fish eggs. Enoki no hoil yaki, enoki mushrooms grilled with tempura sauce.

There is also a noodle menu. Niku soba, Japanese brown noodles, with meat and egg, and vegetables. And tamago ramen, Japanese noodles with spicy sauce topped with chicken, egg and vegetables. One serving each.

Finally, the waiter brought two glasses of midori juice–a mix of vegetables and fruit–and two bottled teas, because apart from this drink, everything else contained alcohol.

Audia looked flabbergasted by the number of dishes on they table.

As if forgetting her annoyance at being teased by Alvin, Audia said, "There's a lot of octopus. Will it be finished?"

Alvin took one plate for him and one plate for Audia.

"Try it first. Didi will find out later."

Audia took her chopsticks and tried one. Her face looked like it was melting, and a mutter escaped her luscious mouth.

"Aaah, it's delicious ...." Audia's eyes sparkled. Alvin was happy to see her.

"Isn't it. What did I say too. Is it delicious?" Audia nodded repeatedly and gave two thumbs up. Her mouth is now full of baby octopus which tastes really delicious.

"Oishii!!" She said then after finishing two plates. Alvin smiled.

After finishing all the food without any leftovers, Alvin also offered Audia to wait for him in the restaurant lobby, while Alvin returned to take his car.

Alvin did not want to make his woman tired of walking back to where Alvin parked his vehicle.

"Okay, okay. Don't take too long, okay!" Audia took a seat in front of the reception desk.

"Ready, Mom."

About ten minutes later, Alvin came back. Open the door beside the steering wheel. Waiting for Audia to get into the car.

The black CR-V also left the typical Japanese restaurant, returning to the cottage in Tanjung Lesung.

Stomach full, making Audia fall asleep all the way back. Alvin's heart was filled with worry, if Audia woke up later, would it be like what happened this morning?

Their car arrived in front of the cottage, Alvin looked at the face of Audia who was fast asleep. So calm.

Slowly Alvin carried Audia who was still asleep, and carried her to they room. Leaning carefully Audia's body on the bed.

Alvin sat pensively beside the bed. Waiting anxiously, what will happen to his wife when she wakes up.

Not long drowsiness whacked Alvin. Taking a position next to Audia, Alvin closed his eyes. His breathing became more regular. And he fell asleep.


After lunch, Audia just woke up. She found herself in bed with a strange man who was fast asleep.


Of course. Audia wondered who the handsome man next to her was. Why is he in that place.

Before long, Alvin's eyelids opened. In front of him, he saw Audia sitting on the bed with a surprised look.

Alvin had expected this to happen. Ignoring his anxiety, Alvin greeted Audia, "My wife is awake?"

Audia frowned, then said, "Wife?" Alvin smiled and nodded. Changed his position, sat cross-legged facing Audia.

"Did Didi forget?" Alvin's fishing rod.

"You know my name?"

"Of course. I am, Didi's husband."

Audia was silent for a long time, as if thinking. She also held the left and right of her temples. Her face looks painful. Alvin guessed, Audia was thinking hard to be able to remember something. This caused a pain in his chest.

"... Alvin?" Audia whispered.

Instead of answering Audia's question, Alvin pulled his female body to his chest, hugging her tightly, as if he was afraid Audia would leave him.

Don't let it happen again, he thought.

Alvin and Audia really missed lunch. The breakfast menu earlier this afternoon, was still enough to fill both of their stomachs.

They were in the lounge. Watch some movies that are presented via cable tv broadcasts. Occasionally mumbled, discussing the films they watched, until late afternoon.

Dinner in the cottage by ordering food from the cottage restaurant. The menu of grilled fish and orange juice, is quite filling for them.

By night. Alvin was feeling restless again. And Audia noticed it.

"Is there Didi's attitude that makes you uncomfortable?"

Alvin, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, while Audia stood in front of him, looked at Audia, with a look that Audia could not understand.

Alvin's hand reached out, grabbed Audia's wrist, bringing her to sit on Alvin's lap.

Their eyes stared at each other for a moment. Makes Audia feel awkward.

Sometimes she remembers that Alvin is a killer lecturer at her campus. However, the memory of their marriage, Audia seemed to forget it.

Audia was worried, it bothered Alvin's mind. And, she didn't guess wrong.

Alvin brought his face closer to Audia's, and landed his lips on Audia's lips. An impulsive act, which made Alvin forget for a moment the events that would meet him the next morning.

Leaving many love marks on Audia's body, more than ever. As if to come up with an alibi, when Audia opened her eyes the next day, she could remember himself, Audia's husband.

The last night at the cottage closed beautifully. Leaving his body attached to Audia without a barrier, only wrapped in a thick blanket. Until the early hours of the morning.


Alvin heard a soft cry next to him. They are still like last night. With Audia sitting on the edge of the bed. Wrapped her body with a blanket.

Alvin hugged Audia from behind. His heart ached. In fact, the signs of his love did not make Audia immediately remember him.

"I'm your husband, if Didi forgets." Alvin tightened his arms even more, when Audia cried even louder.

Wednesday afternoon, after finishing their lunch, they checked out and prepared to return to Jakarta.