017 Before Going Home

Before going home, in the morning.

After Audia calmed down, and could remember who Alvin was, they took a shower and planned to have breakfast at the restaurant. Alvin brought his camera, draped it around his neck.

The last day of their honeymoon, they will hunt for interesting photos. Audia also took out her camera, which she had never used before.

Alvin was stunned for a moment, looking at Audia's lilac-purple-purple polaroid camera. This is the first time he knows, Audia also has a camera. Familiar looking camera.

"Why?" asked Audi.

"Your camera?" Audia nodded.

"Gift for my birthday." Audia put the camera around, and continued to say, "Come on, let's go. Didi is hungry." Pulled Alvin out of their room.


Alvin and Audia arrived at the restaurant, choosing seats facing the beach. Put their camera on the table, then order two servings of toast and two glasses of hot chocolate milk.

Alvin watched Audia intensely. As if judging the woman in front of him, what kind of illness did she have?

"There is something strange with Didi's face?" Audia felt Alvin's probing gaze. While eating pieces of toast stuffed with bananas, cheese, and chocolate.

"Didi is beautiful," said Alvin briefly.

"Crap!" Even though she said that, Audia felt happy in her heart, because she was praised for being beautiful.

Ten minutes later, they finished breakfast. Exit the restaurant to the tandem bike rental location.

Alvin took Audia to ride a bicycle with two saddles and two pairs of pedals. The camera that Alvin brought, he put around his neck.

Audia also put her camera. Wanted to take pictures of her and Alvin as much as possible. Not wanting to lose to her husband, even though the camera that Audia uses is not a pro camera.

With tandem bicycles, they went around the cottage area to the beach. The atmosphere was quiet, as if the world only belonged to the two of them. Occasionally stop, to take pictures with their camera.

Alvin's anxiety vanished when he caught Audia's cheerful voice behind him, as their bicycle crossed the road to the beach. The feeling in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

"The fast to ride! That's the time!" Audia protested, because Alvin was riding their bikes leisurely.

Until Alvin shouted, "Get ready, okay!!"

Audia also shouted, laughing cheerfully, enjoying the wind on her face, when Alvin rode his bicycle faster. Audia balances the movement of pedaling her bicycle behind.

On a deserted beach, near the rocks, Alvin and Audia stopped their bicycles. Both of them were breathing heavily.

Sweat dripped down their foreheads. Alvin took the initiative to wipe the sweat on Audia's forehead. Smile. A quick kiss on Audia's forehead. Whispering words of praise that made Audia blush.

Alvin took his camera, and started taking pictures. Directing Audia to stand at the end of a small pier, which has two poles that resemble photo frames.

Taking photos with various poses, taking turns using the Audia camera. Then Alvin pointed his camera towards the ocean, took some pictures of fishing boats sailing in the middle of the ocean.

Audia didn't want to lose either, she used her own camera to take pictures of the scenery she liked. She occasionally takes pictures of sea shells—which are unique in shape and color—that she finds.

Suddenly, like on command. Alvin snapped Audia, and so did Audia. Pointing the camera at Alvin.

"You shoot me, I shoot you ... we complement each other, right?" Alvin smiled after taking a picture of Audia–with the camera covering her face.

Audia was taken aback.

These words ... it seemed, she had heard. But where?

Alvin saw Audia silent and then confirmed the situation, "Didi, is it okay?"

Ignoring her bad memory, Audia shook her head.

As another answer, Audia laughed happily. "It must be funny. Post it on Instagram, later, okay. Our face, can't be seen." Audia said spoiled.

"Okay." Alvin nodded.

"Yay!" Audie raised her hands. With a beaming face.

They also continued their journey on their bicycles looking for another place to be immortalized with their camera.

Audia and Alvin left their bicycles on a wooden bridge. Then they went down to the beach, wanting to repeat the shot of their intertwined hands. And take some more pictures.

"It's getting late, we're back." Audia nodded.

Alvin and Audia were back pedaling a tandem bike to the cottage.


Afternoon, on the way home.

Audia was engrossed in looking at the shots from her camera. There are about ten polaroid photos in all.

Audia chose one of their photos, and placed it on the dashboard of the car. Photo of Alvin and Audia, both pursed their noses, pursed their lips, facing the camera.

The pose that looks ridiculous is completely different from Alvin's expression, whom Audia knows as a killer lecturer at her campus.

Alvin took his eyes off the road in front of him for a moment, looking at the photo that Audia displayed.

"Funny?" Audia turned her head, seeking Alvin's approval. Alvin laughed.

"Or ... just this one?" Audia replaced it with another photo. A three-finger smile, and Audia raised her index and middle finger–a peace sign. Looks cheerful and romantic.

"Just the first one, okay. If it's the second one, then I won't be concerned about driving." Audia burst out laughing.

"How come?" she asked after her laughter had died down.

"Because Didi looks beautiful there."

"Ugh! So this one, ugly, huh?" Audia pursed her lips. Frown.

She included their silly photo, and left a romantic photo on the dashboard of Alvin's car.

Audia smiled with satisfaction, their romantic photos adorned the dashboard of Alvin's car which looked deserted without any decorations.

Alvin shook his head with a small laugh. Thats Audia! He thought. Why ask for his opinion, if in the end, his opinion is not considered.

Without realizing it, towards the afternoon, they arrived in front of Alvin's apartment building. Alvin then parked his car in the basement. Dropped some of their luggage, and walked towards the private elevator.

Arriving at Alvin's unit, on the 37th floor, the elevator doors automatically opened.

The apartment they had left for three days and two nights looked neat and clean. This morning, Alvin did ask housekeeping to come to his unit.

The two of them lay down on the long sofa, resting for a while, before cleaning themselves up. Sit hugging. Audia rested her head on Alvin's chest.

Alvin heard Audia sigh, made him curious and asked, "Why, Honey? Just got home, why are you complaining?"

"Tomorrow's class again ... where to meet the killer lecturer ...." Audia spontaneously closed her mouth. Stay away from Alvin.

"That's how it is with your husband." Alvin started teasing Audia, tickling her in several places. Audia tried to dodge and asked for forgiveness. However, Alvin ignored her.

Until Audia's hair was messy, and her breath caught, then Alvin stopped teasing Audia.

"Let's take a shower, shall we?" Speak while lifting Audia's limp body, exhausted. Didn't give Audia a chance to answer.

Placing Audia's body on the edge of the bathtub. Fill it with warm water and put a purple bath bomb in the shape of big balls that will dissolve in the water and make a lot of foam.

Bath bombs are usually made of various kinds of fragrances, essential oils, foams, and dyes.

And Alvin then put the bath salt into their bath water. Lastly, his favorite part, is helping Audia undress.

"No, Didi can do it alone!" Her face reddened. Her hands squeezed her clothes. Blocking Alvin's hand. It made Alvin even more eager to help.

"Alvin!!" Those who shouted only laughed out loud.

"Didi can do–hmft."

Not giving a chance to dodge, he silenced Audia's lips with his. His hands deftly helped Audia take off all her clothes.

"Didi should be punished for holding back, the killer lecturer, earlier."



After bathing and getting dressed, Alvin ordered food through a ready-to-delivery food application. Eat together solemnly. Alvin's punishment made Audia starve. Eats its share voraciously.

"Slowly, My Dear."

"Huh?!" Alvin laughed amusedly. Audia's mouth is full of food, looking adorable.

"Want more?"

Audia chewed the food in her mouth, swallowed it, before finally being able to say, "No, Didi will be fat!"

Alvin laughed amusedly, pinching her cheeks. Audia ....