021 Audia Has Had Facial Reconstruction

By morning.

Audia woke up feeling confused. Found herself in a strange place. However, in her mind she felt that the place was so familiar. Where is she now?

Why wake up in a room that isn't hers?

The sound of the shower running in the bathroom distracted her. It seemed, she didn't live alone in this room. But who is in the bathroom? Her mind was still a mess.

Not long after, the sound of the shower was no longer heard. Pause for a while, Audia heard the sound of the bathroom door knob turning. In an instant presented a scene that made her speechless for a moment.

Handsome man, shirtless, the towel he was wearing only covered the bottom. In her hair still dripping water, slid down to him perfectly formed body. Broad chest, six pack abs. Looks masculine. Audia has difficulty swallowing her saliva.

"Are you awake, Honey?" The baritone voice of the handsome man in front of her instantly interrupted her thoughts.