022 Alvin Alvan

Alvan is Alvin's identical twin, born five minutes apart from his brother. The two of them grew up together. Have a beautiful face. If you don't know them better, no one will be able to tell the difference between Alvin and Alvan.

Both Alvin and Alvan never attended the same school, except when they were in elementary school. After elementary school education, each attended a different school. Alvin attends a public school, while Alvan attends a private school.

Even up to the undergraduate level. Alvin prefers to continue his studies in the country, while Alvan studies in England.

As children of a well-known businessman and heir to the Mandala Hutomo Tbk Real Estate Company, their private lives are rarely exposed to the media. In fact, only a few people know about the birth of the twins of Prima and Sriwedari.

Only the closest people and close relatives know. That the wife of a wealthy businessman gave birth to two heirs at once.