024 Impromptu Quiz Exam

Alvin alias Mr. Mandala walked down the connecting hallway between the rooms to his class to teach the course Architectural Design Studio two.

From the outside, the class sounded noisy. However, it was suddenly quiet after he entered the room. Ignoring his students, including Audia. The feeling since morning, suddenly bad.

Mr. Mandala asked for yesterday's assignments, to be collected by relay method, all students collected, including Audia.

Then Mr. Mandala took out a pile of paper from the plastic, explaining that today there would be an impromptu quiz exam. Doing well on the questions that are on a piece of paper which will be distributed in a relay to all students.

His gaze fell on the young woman next to Erika, lost in thought. It annoyed him a little, but refrained from reprimanding him.

After explaining the questions the students had received, Mr. Mandala then said, "Are you ready? It's only thirty minutes from now."