025 Audia Fainted

Their order came. And Mr. Mandala alias Alvin is still waiting. A little worried, because usually Audia does remember what she had forgotten—when she fell asleep—not for long time.

Audia stared at the dish in front of her. She was silent for a moment, as if she was digesting something in her head.

Suddenly Audia grabbed her temples and the back of her head. Pain hit her head.

All the nerves in her head seemed to send out excruciating pain. Audia couldn't stand the pain.

Suddenly everything went dark to Audia.

Mr. Mandala alias Alvin swiftly supported Audia's body so it wouldn't fall from her chair. Carrying her, while asking the waiter in the cafe to help Alvin.

Alvin laid Audia's body in the passenger seat, immediately after paying for their food in a hurry, Alvin took his wife to the hospital, where Audia had been treated before.

Along the way Alvin cursed his stupidity. Ignore the warnings of expert doctors who have treated Audia.