026 Test Results

"Mr. Mandala, Didi's husband?" Audia's eyes were wide, looking alternately at her mother and Mr. Mandala alias Alvin.

Ning nodded, there was a look of sadness in her eyes, Audia could feel it. When she turned to look at Mr. Mandala, Audia saw the same sadness.

What happened?

That afternoon, after blood and urine samples were taken, Audia was allowed to go home, bringing with her some of the same supplements and drugs she had in the previous treatment. The doctor scheduled starting tomorrow to start therapy.

Audia's mother and father returned to their house after making sure that Audia's condition was fine in Alvin's apartment.

Audia sat pensively in front of Alvin and herself's wedding photo. Trying to remember historical events in her life.

It was unbelievable, Audia, who was only nineteen years old and only one year away from college, had married. And what's even more amazing is that her husband is her own lecturer.