037 Love Each Other Always Forever [END VOL 1]

Returning to the apartment, after taking out the groceries and putting them in the refrigerator, or storage cupboard, Alvin called his parents and told them about Audia's pregnancy.

Alvin's parents of course welcomed the happy news, and congratulated Alvin and Audia. Ordered to take good care of his wife's womb.

Meanwhile, Audia called her parents. Just like Alvin, she also informed about her pregnancy.

Her father and mother, as well as her brother and twins brother who heard this happy news, all congratulated them while taking turns talking on the phone.

Just like Alvin's parents, Audia's parents advised her to take good care of her womb. And added to continue the therapy and treatment to completion.

After they finished calling their parents, Alvin and Audia enjoyed their dinner happily. Every now and then Alvin feeds his share into Audia's mouth. Vice versa.

By morning.