S2 001 Call From Company

Alvin and Audia returned to their apartment feeling happy.

Along the way, Alvin kept holding Audia's hand, as his left hand shifted the gear lever. Looking at Audia occasionally, while still paying attention to the road in front of him.

"Alvin, driving the car just look ahead, okay. Didi is afraid, you made a mistake, keep looking at Didi, so don't focus on driving the car." Audia protested, when she caught her husband's eyes looking at her.

"I'm very happy today." Alvin returned to his focus on driving the car.

"Alvin, can Didi ask you something?" asked Audia after a moment of silence.

"Ask what, Honey?"

"The last time we met, before the accident, why did you reject Didi?"

Alvin took a deep breath and then exhaled. Their vehicle had arrived at the basement of the apartment. Alvin has not turned off the car engine.

"Back then ... I still thought you two would meet. So, I have no right to accept Didi's feelings."