S2 002 Alvin Had it Coming

"Alvin, later, please. Didi isn't ready yet." Audia looks pitiful.

Alvin still doesn't understand why Audia still wants to keep covering up the facts of Alvin's marriage.

That Alvin and Mr. Mandala are the same person. And, that Mr. Mandala is a lecturer and also Audia's husband. However, her memory has recovered.

Is there anything Audia is hiding from Alvin?

Alvin also reversed Audia's words. "I promised, didn't I, I wouldn't lie again. If this continues, won't I lie again?"

Audia swallowed her saliva. "It's not a lie, really, just don't tell first. Yes, please, please, until Didi in 2nd grade."

Alvin raised his eyebrows. His wife is ... really. Even if he want to punish her, Audia's womb is still too young. Doctor Eva's order, 'that think' is temporarily reduced.

That night Alvin slept just hugging Audia from behind. Inhaling the scent of his wife's body, which is like aromatherapy, can make Alvin relax and fall asleep.