S2 011 Happenings on Friday

Alvin reminded Audia to charge her cellphone before going to bed, so that what happened this afternoon would not happen again tomorrow. Audia, of course, obeyed Alvin's orders, which was already like a scolding.

Audia don't know since today, Alvin likes to nag. Is this because their baby? But, isn't it, the one who is pregnant is Audia? Even though the one experiencing nausea, is Alvin, anyway.

"Alvin ...." Audia in a spoiled tone. She rested her head on Alvin's chest. She fiddled with her fingers, twirling in Alvin's chest.

Alvin just mumbled in response. His eyes were closed.

"Tomorrow, umm ..., Didi goes to college in the morning, right. Can't I just go with Mr. Asep?"

Alvin teaches Architectural Design Studio 2 in the second hour. So, it would be unusual if Alvin was on campus early in the morning, like last Friday.

Alvin opened his eyes, and lifted Audia's chin, so he could clearly see his wife's face.
