S2 012 What are Olivia Doing in Alvin's Room

"You, were not brought back with your driver yesterday, Di? I saw you got out of Mr. Mandala's car earlier."

"Meet where were you, Di? How come together like that. It's not usually possible to get along." The question, which is more similar to Erika's statement, feels very to the point. And, impressed very curious. Right?

Then, what should Audia answer?

"Eh, that's ... umm ...." Audia looked stuttered.

Scratching the nape of the neck that didn't itch–which accidentally exposed the traces of her husband's artificial love. Her brain couldn't think of any answers.

"I met her on the street. So, yes, I'll take her." Alvin answered Erika's question. Surprised Audia.

Alvin helped her!

Her beloved husband, who was handsome, and cold, and stiff, helped her answer Erika's tough questions!


Audia cheered in her heart. And, more surprisingly, Alvin did not divulge their secret. Oh, Audia loves her husband even more.