S2 013 Erika VS Nadine

"Why do Olivia have to discuss it with you, Alvin? Don't she have any other friends she can talk to?" Audia's question earlier in Alvin's room, replayed over and over in Audia's head.

Why, she do that, hah? Alvin, is not Olivia's teacher. Okay, Olivia was Alvin's friend in college, but that was before. Now it's not.

What is the material discussed? It's not possible, just discuss it with her friends. Isn't it more connected? And, just the two of them, in the Alvin room. Huh! Audia's blood was really turbulent.

Audia's face, which looks irritated and angry, is read by Erika, who is putting a light lipstick on her lips. The face that Audia often shows to Erika, when she just got into trouble with Mr. Mandala.

Calling the lecturer with various nicknames, whether the lecturer is cold, stiff, killer, and other attachments. Anyway, a nickname that makes Audia able to relieve her annoyance.