S2 014 Second Lecture

At nine o'clock sharp, Audia's favorite lecturer, recently, entered the class.

As usual, the aura of a lecturer who is known to be cold, stingy with a smile, strict with his rules while teaching—turning off communication tools—is immediately felt, as soon as the sound of his shoes stomping is heard approaching the class.

His appearance was the same as yesterday, taking off his plaid shirt uniform, and wearing a plain sky blue shirt instead. The color is similar to the clothes worn by Audia. If only someone paid close attention.

The class was silent for a moment. Audia glanced at her husband briefly, then acted indifferent. Let Alvin think, she is still angry with her husband.

Alvin started his studies as usual. In the middle of the lecture, several times Alvin mispronounced the terms in the material he was explaining, such as losing concentration in teaching. Unlike Mr. Mandala, who usually always focuses on explaining the material.