S2 019 Want to Meet Chef Juno

Audia helped Alvin to sit up, then wiped his nose and mouth, while her red lips grumbled to her brother, Romi.

Sriwedari got Alvin a glass of water, which he immediately accepted.

Suddenly, all attention was focused on Alvin and Audia. Again Romi complained. "This is the fate of a single, no one pays attention."

"So get married!" Supomo responded.

Romi is 27 years old, like Alvin's age, only one month older. Until his sister got married, at the end of February, Romi Direja was indeed single, not dating, or just not even close to the woman.

"Don't be too picky, it won't sell out later, you know." Audia chimed in. Replying to Romi's actions earlier, which teased him.

"Not being picky. Haven't found the right one yet." Romi chuckled.