S2 020 Alvin's Jealousy (21+)

"Once I said no, is no! No offer!" Alvin's tone rose an octave. Made Sriwedari chuckle, while Audia felt bad.

In Sriwedari's heart, she understood that her son was jealous, and that made her happy.

Her eldest son, who since his school days, has never been seen close to any girls. Even until he graduated from college and worked as a photographer, following his hobby and love of photography, there was never any talk about the woman Alvin liked.

This had made Prima and Sriwedari worried, especially since the death of their second son, there was no other choice as the successor to her husband's company, except for Alvin.

Their concern at that time, Alvin has a disorder related to the opposite sex. Not interested in women. Deviant behavior, which could destroy bloodlines. In fact, accepting an arranged marriage, without love, just like that.