S2 021 Dinner Together

Alvin and Audia had just finished taking a shower, when there was a knock on Alvin's door.

"Yes?" Alvin answered without opening the door.

"Sorry, Sir, dinner is ready. Mr. Alvin and Mrs. Audia are asked by the old lady to join the meal together." The family maid, Ris, answered from outside the room.

"Yes, we'll go down later. Thank you, Ris," Alvin replied.

Audia was drying her hair with a towel. In Alvin's room there is no hairdryer. Like it or not, Audia has to put in extra effort so that her hair doesn't look too wet as much as possible.

And, his efforts were in vain. Long hair can not be directly dry in an instant without the help of a hairdryer.

Audia firmly refused Alvin's offer to borrow Sriwedari's hairdryer. It's a shame.

The shame is growing, because the sign of love that Alvin deliberately left earlier, when they were cleaning themselves.