S2 052 Giveaway Prize

Alvin arrived at Audia's parents' house, it was twelve o'clock at night, who opened the door is Romi, the brother-in-law again, who was working late.

"Overtime again, Rom?" asked Alvin, pleasantly. Closed the door, then sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Yes. The work hasn't been completed from the office. When deploying, something went wrong. I haven't found the error yet," Romi replied after sipping his second cup of black coffee.

Then Romi returned to struggling with coding, which he was working on.

Alvin loosened his tie, watching for a moment what Romi was doing.

"Overtime too, huh?" Romi asked back.

Alvin sighed softly. In fact, what made him have to come home late at night for a few days, not only his work, but the case involving Audia and himself.