S2 053 Audia Knows the Facts

A week ago, Audia took the even semester exam. During the same week, Audia and Alvin only met face to face at breakfast or on weekends, on Saturdays and Sundays.

Alvin still came home late at night. Sometimes, Alvin returns to his own apartment, because he feels uncomfortable disturbing the Audia family's sleep, when Alvin is forced to come home at three in the morning.

Last Friday, Alvin was so busy with work that he had to come to the office. And on Friday today is the prime court session of defamation case carried out by Olivia and her cousin, Nadine, with the help of her boyfriend, Billy.

Audia, who still does not know what has happened since she was declared to have to rest for a week by her obstetrician, just realized something. Olivia's absence on campus.