S2 055 Olivia Rampage

"Yes. Isn't this just the the prime court session? As far as I know, they can appeal," said Erika in a low voice. So as not to interfere with the proceedings.

Not long after, the prime court session was over. Some of those present had dispersed. Only a few people remained in the courtroom, including Alvin and his lawyer, as well as Audia, Erika, and Bastian.

Audia was deliberately waiting for everyone to leave the room. There is something that Audia wants to tell her husband. However, before Audia moved from her seat, the sound of someone screaming made Audia undo her intention.

"You! It's your fault!!" Olivia shouted, one hand pointing at Audia.

A moment ago, Olivia, who was about to leave the courtroom, accidentally caught Audia's figure sitting at the back of the visitor's bench. Instantly her blood was boiling. Her hatred peaked when she saw the innocent looking woman in the same room as her.