S2 056 Audia Confession

"How's daddy's children?" asked Alvin, when their vehicle had just left the Jakarta District Court area. His hand reached out to caress her stomach.

"Why are Alvin's children being asked?" Audia suddenly felt annoyed.

Her heart is sad, confused, and who get the attention of their future children.

Alvin smiled a little. With one hand still on Audia's stomach. "My wife, was asked earlier. Now it's the turn of father's children, to ask."

"Don't know, huh!" Audia answered nonchalantly and looked away.

Staring out the window. Her heart still felt bad. Serving her husband's jokes at this time, made Audia even more annoyed.

"Is there anything Didi wants to tell Alvin? Why did you come to court earlier?" Alvin did not want to delay discussing this matter until they arrived at Audia's parents' house. This is their personal matter.