S2 067 Waiting for the Rain to Stop (21+)

Audia gave a sweet smile when Alvin had sat behind the wheel. Alvin replied with a smile that was no less charming. Makes Audia blush.

"Where are we going for a walk?" asked Alvin in a seductive tone. Forget the jealousy in there.

Audia cleared her throat. Thought for a moment. Looking outside where it was raining again drenching the earth, not long after they were in the car.

Poor Erika and Bastian, surely they will be inside for a long time. Inner Audia.

"Honey, why are you daydreaming, anyway?" Alvin pinched Audia's chin so that her eyes turned to Alvin.

Audia was surprised, just realized how close they were now. It made her chest flutter. Audia did not know why it could be like this. They were used to being in more intimate situations than this.