S2 068 MasterChef Champion Live 1

Audia has never regretted her decision to accept her sudden marriage to Alvin without any preparation. Audia did it for her devotion to her father. After successfully convincing Audia, that Alvin is a good and responsible husband. Because Supomo knew Alvin's father well.

Correspondingly, Audia can see for themselves and feel it. Alvin is a responsible husband. Not only mature in age, but also mature in terms of thinking. Can balance and protect Audia who is younger. Which sometimes acts according to her mood.


Alvin immediately drove his vehicle after the rain began to gradually subside. Passing through the Jakarta area in the late afternoon. The streets seemed to be starting to fill up with vehicles, as usual on weekends.

The bright gleam on the faces of the two was clearly visible. Every now and then Alvin and Audia stole glances. And when their eyes met, they both smiled. Making Audia's face turn red again.