S3 021 Couple Tour

After the tea ceremony, Audia and Alvin wanted to say goodbye, but Emma forced the Indonesian couple to spend the night at her house.

Emma and Lionel as well as Cara want to entertain their special guests longer, making Alvin and Audia feel reluctant to refuse Emma's family's kindness.

That night, Alvin and Audia were again entertained with a special dinner at Emma's house.

After the dinner, Alvin and Audia were placed in a fairly spacious bedroom with furniture that seemed classic but elegant. They both slept soundly hugging each other.

In the morning, Emma again served Alvin and Audia with a special breakfast, really enjoying the English Breakfast. There are hard-boiled eggs, warm toast in a basket, croissants, salami, cheese, jam, sliced ​​fruit, cereal, yogurt, milk, apple juice, English tea and fresh coffee.

Some were eaten and some were brought as provisions for Audia and Alvin while on their way to continue their second honeymoon.