S3 022 'Gift' from England

"Alvin, did daddy and mommy, have Alvin told about Alvan and Merry?" Audia asked at bedtime, on their last day in England.

As Audia recalled, Alvin had not discussed this with her two in-laws.

"Not yet. Have to slowly tell dad this news. Didi knows, right, daddy has a heart disease?" Alvin pulled Audia's body closer. Alvin stroked Audia's hair.

Audia is stunned. Yes, Audia had forgotten the heart disease suffered by Alvin's father, Prima.

The reason Audia first accepted the request of her father, Supomo, to accept Alvin's proposal. None other than not wanting to make the middle-aged man have a heart attack.

"So, for a while, we keep this a secret, Alvin? From daddy and mommy?" Audia looked at Alvin who looked suddenly sad.

"Maybe Alvin will tell mom first, Honey. Mommy is a strong person to accept this news." Alvin has considered this carefully.