S3 049 Have No Clothes

Soekarno Hatta Airport. International passenger arrival terminal.

Merry and Celine seemed to be sitting waiting for someone to pick them up at the airport.

Five minutes later, the driver Prima asked for came to pick they up. Merry and Celine immediately followed the driver to a luxury sedan. And immediately left Soekarno-Hatta Airport.


Audia watches a video tutorial on making a baby knit hat at her apartment. Her new hobby has made Audia order various types of knitting yarn in the online shop. Starting from cotton yarn, polyester, imported wool, and others.

Hook and yarn are now friends for Audia wherever she is, whenever she has free time. The growing belly makes it difficult for Audia to move a lot.

"Honey, let's change clothes. We have to check the babies today." Alvin reminded by pointing at the clock on the wall which showed thirty minutes past seven in the morning.

"Yeah, just a minute." Audia rose from her seat to the room.