S3 050 Incoming Messages

"Have you eaten enough? Or do you still want more?" asked Alvin with a smile, seeing how much Audia devoured her last bite.

The question is, because pregnant women–who feel their bodies are overweight, are not happy to be asked that way by Alvin. Instead, Audia pursed her lips, pouting.

"No! Didi will get fat later. Alvin is teasing Didi, huh?!" Audia grumbled.

Right, related to this pregnant woman, Alvin was wrong again? The intention of the heart to pay attention, in case Audia wants to add. Alvin will be happy to order the menu again. Audia thinks otherwise.

Patience, Vin. Be patient. A few more days, not long Audia gave birth.

"Well, yeah, Didi wants to go home." Audia immediately got up and smoothed the bottom of her shirt.

Alvin walked to the cashier to pay. While Audia waited at the entrance to the Padang Restaurant.