S3 060 Audia's Outpouring

"Didi is happy, Rom. Marrying Alvin does seem sudden. But, actually Didi and Alvin have known each other for a long time." Audia chooses to be honest about her past with Alvin.

"Oh, yes? How can you?" Romi just found out this fact.

Then Audia told Romi everything from the beginning. How do Audia get to know Alvin. Unintentionally there is Alvan's intervention in it. At first, Audia did not know that Alvan had a twin brother, Alvin—whose identity was used by Alvan to get to know Audia further.

"Wait a minute,"–Romi interrupted while gesturing his hand–"Alvin has a twin brother?" Again, a new fact Romi knows.

"Yes. But Alvin's twin died before he could meet Didi. Alvin took his place."