S3 061 What is Alvin's Solution

"Continue?" Romi leaned forward, so that he could more clearly hear Audia's voice mixed with the sound of sobs.

"In England, we met a beautiful woman, much like Alvin's ex-fiancee." Audia took a tissue and wiped her tears, as well as her snot.

Romi raised an eyebrow. Incredible, this Audia story. Round and round. However, Romi still listened.

"The woman has a child with Alvan, Alvin's twin brother," continued Audia.

Audia's story made Romi even more confused and wanted to interrupt, but he held it in until Audia finished her story, which was interrupted by the arrival of the waitress who brought their order.

Glancing at Audia's chaotic state–a pregnant woman with red eyes, cheeks and nose. Thinking maybe the pregnant woman in front of her needs help. Then the waitress turned to Romi–as if asking for an explanation.

Romi hints to the waitress that everything is fine with a silent word. And the waitress immediately left.