S3 082 Who Looks Like

Audia had finished being treated, and Doctor Eva came out of the delivery room. Once again, congratulations on the birth of twins Audia and Alvin.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Audia and Mr. Alvin. Finally, not curious anymore, yes, the babies are all boys. Stay healthy, Ma'am," said Doctor Eva before leaving the delivery room.

"Yes, Doc. Thank you, Doc," answered Audia and Alvin almost simultaneously.

The two identical twins were then picked up and carried by two nurses, for cleaning and follow-up observation.

Previously, Alvin had taken several photos of his newborn children with his cellphone camera. The pro camera is still at Audia's parents' house. Not expecting that Audia would give birth that night, Alvin didn't bring his pro camera to the date, which had to be cancelled, even though Alvin had already paid for the meal.