S3 083 Falling in Love for the Second Time

At night, after both Audia and Alvin's parents came home, Audia and Alvin stayed in the inpatient room. Alvin, of course, came to stay there.

Dinner for Audia has been delivered, and Audia returns to eat with Alvin being fed. Mouth after mouthful, Alvin carefully delivered it to his wife's mouth.

"Alvin doesn't eat?" asked Audia after the fifth bite. Audia saw Alvin's plate which he had not touched. The menu is slightly different from the menu for Audia.

"Didi first, Alvin after Didi eats."

"Ish, together, okay. Didi has eaten these two portions," she said with a small laugh.

"Alvin, haven't eaten at the restaurant, you know. Here, Didi eats alone. Let Alvin eat too." Audia asked for the plate that Alvin was holding.

Alvin then placed Audia's dinner plate on the patient dining table, pulled it over to Audia's bed, so that Audia could eat from her own bed. While Alvin ate at the dining table in the inpatient room.