Chapter 30: Questions and Answers

"The mission is simple in idea but tough for execution. It is to get evidence on some illegal activities and proof for future planes of attack on the capital. Of whom? The City Lord of Khanshi City."

Nier took some time before he replied

"Khanshi? You mean the city-state?"

Magnus smiled and scratched his head, then replied-

"That is the catch. If this mission was to be public than it could be considered as a breach of rules between countries. You see- to understand everything a little more clearly. You need to know a lot of the history of Mayaricorn"

"Can't say I know everything" Nier said.

Magnus took a deep breath and continued-

"Ahem. Somewhere between 500 to 600 that is some 900 to 1000 years ago. Back when Seasonshore was still a part of the Landmoon Continent. A nomad tribe called "The Highlandals" from what is now Summerhawk, had travelled and consolidated their lives in a region that is now the Outer Kingdom. The then leader who was old but ambitious decided that he wanted to pass the mountains and reach what was beyond them. The tribe had lost a bit of their nomadic mentality but soon they obliged

Those mountains are exactly the ones that now separate the outer and inner kingdom, 'Skywall Range'. Back then there was no kingdom but only the place they stood on, the mountains and what was beyond. It was a long journey resulting in deaths of many tribe members. The pass didn't exist and without any aerial mode of travel- they had to climb the mountains. Eventually during the journey, they met another human. They learned that the region was ruled by other people. The human they met was actually a scout who wanted to probe the intentions of the barbarians. Eventually their was a conflict and a massive battle at the Highlandal's Cleave resulting in the Highlandals taking over the region. They named the place 'Gaia' and over the years it was transformed into Maya and then to Mayaricorn.

Where was I? Right- After the old leader felt his death approaching, he declared that most suitable one from his blood can be the king. Most of his bloodline was wiped out 500 years ago during Emperor Yuverion's invasion. The City Lord claims that he is a blood descendent and the rightful owner of the throne.

That claim is being kept as a secret since revealing it publicly would be same as announcing a war with the royal family which isn't something he can win so he is trying to first remove the royal family and claim rule without having direct challenge"

Magnus stopped to relax his throat but also give Nier some time to absorb the information

Nier silently thought about everything using his imagination to picture everything as if he was watching a motion picture in his mind.

After a minute or two, he asked-

"I know this isn't important to the mission but why did an old and experienced leader decide gamble the life of his tribe members for curiosity? And the members were fine with it?"

Nier's mask didn't show his eyes but Magnus could imagine Nier was squinting them

"*Sigh...Honestly, The texts don't go into much detail on those matters but rather than pure curiosity. They were most likely searching for a treasure somewhere in the mountains. In fact that might be the reason that they consolidated in the outer kingdom so that they can search for the treasure. History of Maya seems to be shrouded in mysteries. In all honesty- don't expect me to know everything or everything I know to be right."

Nier had more questions about the Highlandal's but he understood that the prince was unwilling.

"I don't understand somethings. If there are spies in the capital, wouldn't someone have saw me when I came here? Also- I took a mission so shouldn't a record exist in the guild? I mean, they set an ambush for clow- Mistey girl so it shouldn't be a stretch to assume that they knew about her being in that carriage for a long time? Couldn't they have called reinforcements beforehand who searched for clues and learned about my involvement?"

Nier asked.

"Hmm...about your first concern...don't worry- all of the people in this manor are definitely not traitors because they were carefully selected in the first place. As for them being controlled by whatever means- that's also not possible since they are monitered by each other and any one sneaking in here is not possible. As for anyone seeing you enter this wouldn't really matter if they don't know your importance.

Now, while you were having your nap- I went to the Highlandal's cleave to confirm and clear the problems.

You don't have to worry about the guy who sold you water. I have confirmed that he didn't spill any beans and that he would in the future. As for the guild...They are an independent power but we have many rules and agreements which allowed me to take care of your mission records.

I don't think they called reinforcements simply because if they actually did- you won't be allowed to get away. Anyone who knows the secret should be an important target yet none stopped you from reaching me. As for the assumpton that they reached there late after you left.

It still works in our favor since for them to be late. They would have gotten the information late. For which- your ambushers must have learned it late. Which means that you were not seen by them when you took the mission.

More than likely- the two men were confident but your element is something they never expected. Attributed mana is very rare. Very rare.

I was going to inform the Mistey family but I decided that I'll wait since it would be suspicious if I learned about a murder in a place that's not usually monitored in less than a day since it happened unless 'someone' informed me so I'll keep it for now. What I cannot understand is the nether mana that was used"

Magnus cleared Nier's worries but ended it with something that worried himself.

'I don't know anything about the nether realm or any realm for that matter...' Nier thought

"What's the problem with that?" Nier decided to clench his curiosity

"In the nether realm reside the abysskin- Devils, Bloodworms, Hellweavers etcetera are just some of the many species that live there. Unfortunately through some means- some people of our realm contact any of the abysskin, mainly devils and make deals. Or vice-versa. But for the most part, it is mainly harmful for the citizen of our realm than it is or them. In fact- a person can be used as a vessel for the abysskin to descend in our realm. Do you get where I am going?" Magnus asked as his coffee finished.

"You are thinking that those controlling the knights might have the goal of helping an abysskin descend?" Nier asked with his eyebrows raised high

"Ahem, something like that...One more thing, the ability to control people isn't really that normal. It's very rare so don't expect every single enemy you face to have it. It is either done with the help of an artifact or someone with that ability but whatever it is most likely being protected by someone powerful"

"All this while, I don't get one thing- is it the city lord who is controlling the people or are both separate matters?"

"Eh? Sorry I forgot to tell you but Ms. Reya's original mission was indeed related to the City Lord. So, yes- the city lord is likely to be the mastermind himself but he is at least related to it. Though I have some more theories"

Nier nodded

"Now- let's get back on track. The city lord has an understandable motive but all he is doing would lead to chaos. Now- A lot of people have some misunderstandings that I should clear you of. There is the royal family and then the 5 great noble families. And that's the gist of nobility in our kingdom. Some families are of noble descent like the Misteys but aren't officially as such. Some people think that the five noble families are the 'Great' Noble families and that other lesser ones exist. Heh, Mayaricorn isn't like Seasonshore. The five noble families together balance the power of the royal family so that the rule doesn't just become oppressive. And the City Lord is backed by the Noir family which is one of them"

As soon as Magnus said 'Noir family'

Nier's hands began shaking as his face distorted in anger and sorrow.

Magnus was looking the other side so he missed the reaction

"That is one of the many reasons which stops me from going myself since even though I am a knight. I am a royal. That is why- I need evidence. Any evidence that allows me to fight. That's all your mission"